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Everything posted by GrunDy

  1. GrunDy

    Dayz - how to spawn npc?

    This is a alpha version...this is what we are all doing 'Trying the game and it's mechanics' But posting a link to a 'Hack' as it even says in the statement on the Real version main forums, isn't the smartest of ideas
  2. GrunDy

    Dayz - how to spawn npc?

    Your playing with fire!
  3. GrunDy

    Dayz - how to spawn npc?

    Please lock/delete before more people see this mess of a thread -.-
  4. GrunDy

    Tents NEED to change.

  5. GrunDy

    One of the new onces.

    You spawn, you have nothing to lose, just run around around cherno, elektra and hope for the best in a building to find a weapon to kill the zed's you just aggro'd Try spawn at balota and go raid that airfield Go to stary sober for decent weaponary loot. Tents are best found in gernal stores in towns. Fire Place = Matches + Hatchet = Chop Wood, light fire.
  6. GrunDy

    WoW style loggout?

    I mentioned this to a pal the other night. But even a 3-5 second logout timer would make all the difference!
  7. GrunDy

    played for first time tonight

    Wow, Like Pinky said, it's harder to find a friendly surivor than it is to find a weapon :) Glad you enjoyed it buddy
  8. Just wanted to say, ignore any messages saying 'Hurry up with 1.7.2' Blah blah blah, and say Thank you for giving us a good amount of time on The current patch is awesome, yeah there are a few bugs but it's playable at an enjoyable level! Me and a group of friends have been able to play for the past 2 weeks with no problems. So yeah just wanted to say thanks for the current patch, and just keep doing what your doing. Release 1.7.2 next month if needed, the community will wait, the game is too awesome not too :)
  9. GrunDy

    fix the game ffs

    Scum of the internet. Well considering you're probably fat and a disgusting person ' date=' this is the only thing you can really enjoy ; correcting a persons grammar on the internet. [/quote'] The reason for writing a Thread with grammer is to get noticed! If you have something to say, opinion, thought...Then you write a respectable post with grammar. Anything else and we will consider you a 10yo crying over the internet that you died. -Calling someone the scum of the internet... Get over yourself lol.
  10. GrunDy

    Cooldown for Respawn Option

    How does this affect you in any way? If someone wants to spend 10mins of Respawn - Disconnect - Okay (RnR) Then let them... Me and friends have had to do this on several occasions, untill they add some sort of spawn location option, this is the only way to make it easier to group up with friends...Boreing and annoying to Say run from Kamenka to Elektra to meet up with a friend, while in the process of getting eaten alive by zombies, breaking legs hoping over fences or getting shot at by bandits. Or to spend and hour to finally meet up with you pal, to then die 5mins later when just start the expedition. Like I said this doesnt directly affect you in anyway...so leave it as it is.
  11. GrunDy

    Introducing Faction's Suggestion

    So DayZ is now a TDM with zombies in the middle? :S
  12. GrunDy

    Don't Add NPC's

    As per Title, I've seen numerous threads now asking to implement Npc's in some way.... I feel this is a bad idea....Were in a apocolyptic world, it should be rare enough to see other surviours let alone guards and random people just standing there...I feel it will ruin the atmosphere That's just my 2c, Discuss...
  13. GrunDy

    Don't Add NPC's

    So what your saying there is, 'adding Npc's would make your life easier' So you can leave your loot protected, wonder off and do what you like. Once again that ruins the gameplay and atmos...Should be down to yourself to look after your own loot, in a real world situation, you wouldn't be able to trust anyone. These are the sacrifices you make, you choose your important loot to keep on you, and if your prepared to store loot you need to make the decision of leaving it unguarded to explore.
  14. GrunDy

    10k for a Avatar pic is way too low..

    Really?....You want them to focus there assest on assisting the forums avatars.... Deal with it and wait till the new site -.- ( And if you've just gone New Site??? Please do some research)
  15. And what if there internet cuts out? Or a power cut? They have to pay a timed penalty to rejoin for something that was not there fault?
  16. -1 TL;DR Causing more problems. Will be able to Alt F4 People who Alt F4 and come back with no loot will write complaints. Not being able to DC if another player is near you is pretty bad idea imo.
  17. GrunDy

    Did rocket play Fallout 3?

    Whats your point? You like Fallout....Great, Go play Fallout. This is DayZ....This is awesome :)
  18. Yes....I've Turned. I was alone, surrounded by silence, just the wind brushing past my ears, the clinging of gates in the background that makes chills run up your spine. It was a dark eary night...well actually it was more like day light (but just for effect) The glistening of the light reflecting off the moon, piercing it's way through the fog on the horizon, silhouetting the darkness of the trees on the hilltops. Location: Stary Sober Time: Early Evening Supply Status: Low Now the scene has been set, I spawned where I left my adventure the night before, was in the large abandoned metalic warehouse, up on the 1st floor of the ricocheting board walk, overlooking the edge of the overun military camp. Had the sight of the hilltop dead infront of me along with the openness of the farmland to the east of me. Objective: Explore Camp, Gain Food and Ammo. So, I crouched in my position for a good 10 minutes or so, scouting out my route, watching to see any threats. Planned my route to avoid the apocolyptic zeds. After a while I decided to embark on my mission, there were few zeds, and had been no activity in the woods, military camp or open wilderness for a while now. So if I was going to make my move now would be the opportunity. I narated myself down the 20ft ladder (Measurment for effect here ;) ) Clonking of footsteps down the metal ladder, making me nervous, panicking not to attract zeds or other attention. I reach the ground, I crouch, and check all area's of vision...Im safe. I slowly crouch my way towards the camp site, using small bushes and tall grass to conceal my postion. I finally reach the outskirts of the camp. I take one final look towards the tree line to make sure i'm not going to get ambushed...All appears to be safe. I move in... Sweeping tent from tent, picking up the odd ammo for my AKM, Still no rations of food though. Getting worried as my food and drink symbol getting a darker shade of red, I here the groans of zeds zoning in on my postion, so I pick up the pace, still moving from tent to tent. I get to the final small Tent, towards the north side, next to the large medical tent... As I approach this tent, with my heart racing, breathing heavily and rapidly, Out of know where a Surivior crouches between the Large and small tent, he has his back to me...I panick, he turns around and spots me....IT's A STAND OFF...No one fires for a few seconds... He starts to back off, I Decided not to hesitate and risk losing my life, I pulled the trigger, unloaded 10 rounds in his direction... The poor SOB is dead, Now with the sound of gun fire Time was of the essence, I quickly scavenged his decaying corpse, sound now slightly at a disadvantage, flys hovering all around my position... To my delight I find 4 portions of cooked meat, a few cans of pepsi, Ammo for my AKM, a Larger bag than mine which contained blood bags, Morphine and a CZ Sniper. But the real goodies was finding a Map, Compass, Watch, Tool Box, Entrenchment Tool and ....a GPS System. Now fully equipped and able to survive out in the wilderness, I embark off on to my expedition of survial into the world of apocolypic zombies. TL;DR - Killed a survior as he hesitated to shoot. Thanks for reading guys.
  19. +1 to the name idea. Would be cool to die, lose your weapon, then a month down the line or something, you loot it off someone? Feel like Names of guns should be Unique like Usernames
  20. GrunDy


    And going to school, you will learn how to use grammar and punctuation. My point being a game can only do so much...Your asking for a realistic game but your asking for too much. They've already given a fix for this...guns with flashlights ATTACHED to them, use them, and let them come up with a bag fix rather than using both hands.
  21. GrunDy


    With a Plus needs to come a Negative Plus = Flash Light and Side Arm Negative = No iron sight or shakey arm... But I'm still against this idea...For one how do you plan on reloading with both hands full? Place you flash on the floor?
  22. GrunDy

    Looking for a young DayZ group!

    Wow this thread is scary, people posting there age and crap on a public forum lol.....Watch your self or you'l end up on the news lol...
  23. GrunDy


    Go find a gun with a flashlight then.