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Everything posted by t0pz

  1. So i'm not too familiar with all the latest administration tools people have been creating for DayZ servers. However, the ones i have looked at (BEC, DayZ Server Suite, RCON tools, etc.) all seem to need Remote Desktop access or similar access to the machine. So here's my newbie question: How does one go about installing these tools simply via FTP or an ACP? as that is all most server hosts are provided with... I highly doubt this is possible due to executables and .bat files but is there any alternative/tool to do so?
  2. t0pz

    Connecting Failed

    We have been having this issue for a good month or two now with our server. We still have a support ticket open with the dev team but they seem to be too busy... Nobody can connect to the server using the regular Arma browser. Any other third-party browser works (SixLauncher, DayZ Commander, etc.) We have tried just about anything mentioned on the forum and nothing worked. 10% of the servers just seem to be inaccessible via the regular master server list... FYI: You CAN connect via in-game by clicking "remote" and entering the server's IP, but again, this requires players to already know the server so not a good solution...
  3. I have a question regarding your "scripts.txt" file provided in the pastebin. I have had the issue of ENORMOUS log files being created within hours, causing the server to lag (out) at times. Have you had any issues like that, with this scripts.txt file? How big does your scripts.log file get every day, on average? If i can get some confirmation on this, i will try running this script detection on our server. Thanks
  4. t0pz

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    They said they will continue developing the mod at the same time
  5. t0pz

    Better admin tools

    They were kicked for "Script RESTRICTION #xx" which is done by a custom script detection that you can create and upload to your server. It goes into the battleye folder where scripts.log is located. You call it scripts.txt and enter custom lines. However, this requires you to know about some scripts and tools people use to hack on DayZ. I highly doubt you will have the knowledge or patience to do so... Also, i'd like to see that video, because this is certainly not possible.
  6. You're clearly butthurt that YOU haven't found one. I have found the heli on the island on about 3 different servers... however, they do disappear after a restart somehow, as well as after a crash. If you crash a heli, it will DESPAWN for ONE WEEK.
  7. For those of you getting graphical glitches, this always works for me and all of the people i know: Look straight at the graphical glitches, and while you do so go into the Video Options and change your "HDR" settings to a different one (from high to normal, or normal to high, etc.) Changing that will definitely remove the artifacts, at least until the next restart. You can try the same with other video settings such as the Video memory.
  8. t0pz

    Is the hive down?

    Same, hive is down or lagging
  9. Always save your heli / vehicle after an important change (fixed parts, change in inventory, change in location). This way, a restart will load it up to the last saved state (most of the time lol)
  10. Skalisty.. and relax because finding it is half the battle. good luck getting it to work
  11. lol, show me a mod/game of this size where the developer himself is as much involved with the whole community as rocket is here. Then we'll talk again about service standards. And still, you're no customer, now please stop calling yourself one. They are considering making a standalone, there is no actual solid plan or final word on it. And even then, you only become a customer once you buy the game, which you certainly don't have to. That's the beauty of a free, competitive market. You got the choice Finally, you are obviously dropping tears because you "wanna heli" like everyone else. Fact is, it would be much fairer if they did NOT mention the exact time of when the helis are added in due to the fact that hosters, admins, and their friends will take advantage of this and position themselves and then restart and yank it, giving all the regular players little to no chance to naturally find it. For the love of god, stop crying about small shit, you're just feeding your tears to rocket, and you know he loves tears.
  12. Arma 2 is not DayZ. DayZ is USING Arma as its platform for their mod. The mod, which is free. They do not get money for doing ANY of this, so why the hell are you complaining? You have no RIGHT to complain when the person developing something for YOU, is not getting a penny from YOU. Hence, you are in no way shape or form a customer of rocket or any of the DayZ development team. Get that in your thick skull.
  13. One question: Will you be waiting for all servers to upgrade or simply force the hive update after 36 hours, making servers with older hive versions void / unplayable?
  14. I believe it's one or two heli spawns per server
  15. t0pz

    Pending Update: Build

    [NEW] Radar removed from helicopter (UH1H will be added back to vehicle spawns) WOOO!
  16. t0pz

    Pending Update: Build

    That's being adressed and actively worked on (see original post?!). Hacking is not. Beartraps are definitely great, but not "most important"
  17. the mod is in alpha battleye is not in alpha rocket did not state that he will add a mod-side anti-cheat so no, they are not working on hacking issues. they're relying on battleye, which is doing a terrible job as you may have noticed. No statements from BE about addressing this either...
  18. t0pz

    Pending Update: Build

    I am just hoping that it is. If rocket or any other developer would explain that this is simply not possible due to engine restrictions etc. then i'd understand. But all i've heard so far is "Battleye is doing a good job" which isn't true, since battleye is not made for dayz nor any other mod, more for arma altogether. Even if it would cater to mods, it would interfere with some mods, causing false-positives on half of them, while it lets hackers freeroam on the other half. This pretty much renders the whole battleye concept useless. Fact of the matter is: Arma's mods are controlled by hackers, they have more abilities than the player, admin, and even the developers of the mod itself. They can spawn a freakin city on your server if they like.
  19. t0pz

    Pending Update: Build

    Great, can't wait to test it EDIT: Since i have the first post hijacked: There are currently severe hacking issues across most DayZ servers. And i'm not talking about some kid with aimbot or other self-empowering tools, but things like: - Killing the entire server at the press of a button - Teleporting the entire server to one place and other massive-destruction type of hacks. I know you're saying battleye is doing better than most other anti-cheats, but it honestly is not gonna be sufficient enough for DayZ as a mod. Wouldn't it be possible to add a mod-side cheat-detection or even prevention? Such as, stopping the ability to spawn items that are not even able to be found on DayZ, and other restrictions such as detecting huge changes in x y z coords that can't be achieved by regular vehicles (aka teleporting)... I know there are standalone plans, but this can take quite a while and in the meantime, hosters are shutting down their servers because their hands are completely tied, while their servers are getting completely f*cked up (This guy has got it right: "IMHO, hacking is the single most important development issue right now.")
  20. Ok, my opinion: I'm a bit confused as to why rocket stated in his recent interview that battleye is sufficient and doing a great job at detecting hacks. This is simply not true. Whether you are aware of it or not, there are thousands of hackers with EXTREMELY malicious hacks coming onto any server they like and nuke everyone within seconds, killing every single character currently online. Not to mention the numerous other hacks that mess with the entire physics of this game. Let me explain to you why these (undetected) hacks are harmful to DayZ in general: Some servers have griefing hackers or "script-users" come back constantly to kill everyone online. This not only frustrates the hundreds of people who play on there constantly, but also has caused server hosts to shut down their servers entirely, and discontinuing support for DayZ altogether. When you step back and look at the big picture, you will see that this is happening on at least a third of the servers at the moment, making this quite a big issue and loss in DayZ support. Any statement from your side mentioning that this mod is in alpha is irrelevant for this topic as rocket has clearly stated that he believes battleye is doing a great job and is reliable. Battleye is not in alpha, correct me if i'm wrong... I would really not worry about this if you actually acknowledged the fact that hacking is a large and very real problem for DayZ and that you will consider adding in custom detection mod-side. Only then, will i shut up about this, as i am understanding of alpha development stages. However, please do not rely on a third-party that is actually not at all reliable.
  21. He has quite a good point. It really has nothing to do with the server, ever. Nothing stops a hacker from joining any server he likes and do the same there. What you gonna do? Make a blacklist with all servers? Great. I wouldn't be too worried about this topic if rocket wouldnt deny the fact that hacking is a massive problem for DayZ and that Battleye is completely unreliable in this regard. In fact, he is praising it.. wtf? It would be possible for him to implement a mod-side anti-cheat detection that would work ten times better than battleye. Or at least providing administrators with an actual monitoring system.