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KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

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Everything posted by KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

  1. I see loads of ppl are complaining about this issue . . . . . . . I wonder to myself how many are itchy trigger finger bandits . . . . . . . I reserve judgement on this case for now tho - i am in 2 minds tbh
  2. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Where's your favourite place to survive?

    just sayin' . . . . .
  3. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Mission system

    I like the idea of the radios . . . . . @ turin - i did say the zombie kill fest was just an example but i cant see the game holding interest for very long at all if there is no "content" so to speak. . . . . You have shown that you are fine with it as is, but from surfing the forums there are plenty who would prefer to have some type of goal to work towards too, an endgame I would like but it isn't a must - content ingame, I feel, is tho . . .
  4. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Mission system

    i TOTALLY disagree - I feel missions would add a good element to the game. For example: "Unusually high numbers of zombies have been seen in and around (insert name of town) - eliminate them" ( ^ ^ ^ no thought put into this as it's just a quick example ^ ^ ^ ) or you come across an mortally injured survivor NPC who was trying to get medicine for his young son so now this task now lands on your shoulders as I said - examples . . . . . . .
  5. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    The Gray Area

  6. i have no gripes with ur relogging - it was done to save ur life not ur gear . . . . . I also have a story . . . . . (i'll keep it short) I was on a server the other night, cant remember which 1, logging into my position which I had left the previous night - hill above military tents in stary sobor. Upon my logging I gave a scan over the hills and the surrounding area as well as into the town itself, this is when I spotted a guy crawling around by the tents. Reap3r was his name. I observed him for a bit, checked his gear out with my binos and seeing as he had an AKM and standard backpack decided to watch him. He had a cpl of Z's coming to the rear of him so I called out to him to warn him - I don't think he believed me and as they were getting closer and so I shot them to save him. I offered to show him deer stands nearby but he declined and replied with "if you are a bandit just shoot me now" - I had plenty of opportunity to kill him but I was in survivor mode this life round (i switch each death) and told him I could but I wont. It turned out he was wounded and needed morphine so I made my way to him, taking a risk myself, and gave him my only morphine - from there on we went out into the wilderness together and watched each others backs as we headed towards NWAF - we raided it but got nothing of value (been that way recently) and when we got attacked by Z's we looked after each other. Server lost session and havn't seen him since. Reap3r - if ur out there man, ur on my good guy list TL;DR - there still is decent players . . . . . .
  7. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Armoured BrotherHood

    i meant for the purposes of deducing if I, or any1 else, would be even bothered to send a PM - just basics like server/s, are u US/EU/RUS based, goals etc etc just thought the clearer the advertising the more ppl would know it was about- not every1 wants to send PMs to find out the basics - more info to determine player base as I am UK and wouldn't be bothered with US squads too much just trying to help . . . .
  8. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Where's your favourite place to survive?

    yeah - brilliant thread - should have called it "tell bandits where you'll be" don't mean to troll but I thought I'd best say something before any1 else tells bandits their locations. I know there are loads of servers but they don't need any more help in finding survivors to kill for fun . . . . .
  9. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Armoured BrotherHood

    more info plz
  10. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Don't like Bandits? Maybe you can do something about it.

    Let me quote an earlier post I made regarding this . . . . .
  11. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Consequences for killing players/playerbodies attract zeds

    Get the fuck out Troll much?
  12. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Consequences for killing players/playerbodies attract zeds

    IMO I think that is a lame attempt to rectify the situation as it presents "loopholes" such as having to aim at each other (most bandits wouldn't even wait to hear heartbeat before pulling the trigger) and it doesn't begin to address the problem of survivors killing survivors which in turn is going to eliminate any trust in ppl in the game . . . . . Just for the record I play both sides and in true OCD fashion I will play survivor till i die then bandit till I die and so on and so forth. I see being a bandit as the easy mode and survivor as the hard mode and would like to have a bit more of a challenge when playing as a bandit tbh. This is my opinion - you all have your own . . . . . . we already have factions in place - survivor/bandit - it's just that they are not "official" so to speak
  13. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    Consequences for killing players/playerbodies attract zeds

    I have not researched this in the forums so excuse me if this idea has already been discussed, also, I have no real insight into the way the arma engine works and with that in mind ppls, let me suggest the following: still keep PVP as is but have those wishing to be bandits join opfor/bluefor side and those wishing to be survivors join the civilian side. FF is active on the military side while FF is off on the civilian side. This way bandits can still kill survivors and each other and have distinctive outfits and survivors can trust other survivors as they cant kill each other but still shoot back at bandits - a fair compromise is it not? - this is in no way a final demand and constructive criticism is welcome on postcards below . . . . .
  14. KuntyBallistix (DayZ)

    My Huge Suggestion Box +2000 Words

    Brilliant list and a few ideas in there that I myself had thought of - same as yourself in that I dont know what the limitations of the arma engine can deal with and as alpha = adding then I'm sure a few of these ideas would be used by rocket and his cronies . . . . .