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About essexcartel

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  1. Im looking for an active DayZ clan that uses teamspeak and are serious team players.I am an ex member of the CQF clan and am experienced in tactics and navigation.
  2. Thanks that got it going ;)
  3. Now ive installed dayz manually no problem and the beta patch and everything is up to date its 1.62 and 1.11 so dont tell me to update. When i add -mod=@DayZ to the normal arma 2 1.62 version it works but i cant enter any servers due to all of em using the beta patch.So when i enter the same thing in the beta client it gives me the error Addon 'CA_CommunityProject_E' requires addon 'Arma2_Ka52 honestly i used to play this game 6 months ago and i stopped playing it due lag and when i come back this shit comes up.It never happend before honestly arma 2 and dayz are complicated....If anyone could help i would appreciate it.
  4. essexcartel

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    For those having problrems with downloading....(This worked for me) I bought my arma 2 game from bistudio so what i thought to do is use my bistudio username and password and it accepted it.Try it if you have one. This is for the beta problems.
  5. essexcartel

    Werid lagg. Only in DayZ server!?

    I have lost hope i dont care what they fix i still dont think alot will change.
  6. essexcartel

    Arma 2 freezes constantly

    Sixlauncher is being retarded with me,it gives me installation error and dont start so i start it from the game and its ok like that.
  7. Those warning are nothing but its a pain when your running from zombies and it gives the error,i died thanks to that.
  8. essexcartel


    Ok i recently read through some more moaners(i am one too dont rage) and someone posted a solution and it fucking worked for me! 1. Disable your antivirus.My AVG antivirus tells me alot of my arma 2 files are virus's and they arent! So it must be blocking some files,Disable it until you finish the game. 2.Disable your Firewall,your firewall can be blocking connections,it may not be blocking alot but for arma one small trip is big for it. 3.Download Gamebooster 3.5 beta.It frees up any unnecessary crap on your desktop running and the new beta comes with FPS booster you can optimize your games graphics and resolution.I set mine to low but it can run on very high and it also shows you your FPS. 4. Choose a server with good ping and get on a server with the correct version and beta version.I thought it wouldnt matter what server i go on but it does,the US servers run about 18 to 25 FPS for me but EU it goes to 25 to 35. Those are the 4 steps,it doesnt eliminate all the problems believe me i still lag but i used to lag at 5 FPS but now its only like 18 to 17 FPS lag which is still playable. Hope this helped. Bump :)
  9. essexcartel

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Nice i was wondering why we didnt have melee.
  10. essexcartel

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    I wasted my 30 dollars just for this mod,i give rocket 1 year to come to this after he loses most of us whining members :P
  11. essexcartel

    Freeze/fps stutter/lag

    I have a laptop with an ok graphic card nvidia 9600M GT and 2GB video memory with 4GB ram and if that can play GTA 4 on the highest graphics,it can play Arma 2(Which it can). Bro its a problem with DayZ,this new update has given some performance issues on most players so you will have to sit tight and wait. :(
  12. essexcartel

    No Zombies....

    That means you have the wrong beta patch OR you dont have the beta patch.Install the AO beta patch and it will fix it.
  13. essexcartel

    Performance after Patch

    Guys i am having the same problem.I thought i was going crazy,i go onto a normal Deathmatch server with around 50 FPS which is good and then go on DayZ with a FPS of 5....I am questioning if it could be my specs,could anyone tell me if im ok? Nvidia 9600M GT TurboCache 2GB Nvidia Geforce video memory 2.13 GHz intel centrino 2 4GB ram(but its dropped to 3GB) Note:For some weird reason when i play singleplayer and put all setting to the lowest as can be and it works even the view distance is lower'ed.But when it comes to DayZ i check the setting and they are set to low yet when i look at the game it lags like fuck and the view distance and textures look like a setting around Normal. Note 2: When i play DayZ i have crappy FPS but when i look up at the sky and run it runs at 40 FPS(anyone else done this?)
  14. essexcartel

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    Guys i am having the same problem.I thought i was going crazy,i go onto a normal Deathmatch server with around 50 FPS which is good and then go on DayZ with a FPS of 5....I am questioning if it could be my specs,could anyone tell me if im ok? Nvidia 9600M GT TurboCache 2GB Nvidia Geforce video memory 2.13 GHz intel centrino 2 4GB ram(but its dropped to 3GB) Note:For some weird reason when i play singleplayer and put all setting to the lowest as can be and it works even the view distance is lower'ed.But when it comes to DayZ i check the setting and they are set to low yet when i look at the game it lags like fuck and the view distance and textures look like a setting around Normal. Note 2: When i play DayZ i have crappy FPS but when i look up at the sky and run it runs at 40 FPS(anyone else done this?)