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Danneh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Danneh (DayZ)

  1. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Pirates want a fight!

    Bring it on!!! :D
  2. The Pirates of Chernarus This is taken from our spotlight with WeTheGamerz: http://www.wethegame...s-of-chernarus/ First of all what are you trying to achieve with TPOC? We started off as a group of 4, playing Day-Z from one of the earliest Alpha patches. After advertising on the Day-Z forum with some images of what we have been getting up to on our chosen home server, people came from all over. We have now grown to over 100 active forum members with around 15-30 actively online each night. Not looking to ‘achieve’ anything in particular apart from have fun and provide a great environment for all players to enjoy. What’s your opinion on the current state of the game? Day-Z has come along way from when we started playing around 6 weeks ago! In that short period of time its had such HUGE support from the players, with the sales of Arma II and suggestions for the mod, which I think has given Rocket and his team the drive to make this a massive success. Currently there’s alot to improve on, we daily come across many bugs, lag, server downtime etc but theres something about this game that keeps you coming back for more! With new stuff being added to Day-Z what would you like to see added? More clan support for example? Clan support would be amazing, we have all watched countless interviews and videos and some of the upcoming ‘ideas’ sound fantastic. The Day-Z team seem to understand that this game needs some sort of team orientated features to continue its success. We already have great fun playing as a team, sometimes even around 20 men in 1 group but every so often a friendly member may take a hit, so with the introduction to clan features, we may avoid having to overdose our guys on morphine! On your site banner there is a pick-up truck full of people, can you tell us the story behind that? Ha! When we first started renting our server, alot of the guys were keen to get a few vehicles, that pickup being one of them! We spent ages fixing it up, many trips to different towns, back and forth! Eventually we got it running and teared up the map! We decided to head down the coast to see if we could spot any players, this is where we saw many a man being chased by zombies. We would shout to them to get in the truck, we are here to save them!!!! We would interrogate them, find out where they are from, what they plan on doing etc and even some joined the clan! Others on the other hand, got scared and jumped!!! That’s how we came up with the slogan, we steal from the rich and give lifts to the poor! (Yes we do kill people up north, poor people being the unarmed!!) With Day-Z involving a lot of trust have you had any bad experiences with other members or players? No doubt like every other person who has played Day-Z, we have had our fair share of bad experiences. We often let our guard down to ‘harmless unarmed players’ when we first started. We have had times were we saved people from zombies and other players, let them into our group to find out they were here to steal and kill us! Other times we gave out our Teamspeak to people we had picked up and they would be nice on teamspeak, but when we let our guard down, they would kill and steal the trucks! Admittedly, funny as hell now, but not at the time after you have put hours of work into something to have it taken away in seconds. We have hopefully tightened up our recruitment system and how we treat other player Has Day-Z taught you anything about surviving in a zombie apocalypse? Find yourself a Makarov and an alice pack load of beanz! Why should people join TPOC instead of maybe forming a small group or going it alone? TPOC has people from all over the world! EU, US, Australia, its become more of a community than a clan. We give all our clan members the ability to create sub-channels in our teamspeak, we use this to show our current locations and set up squads! 90% of the time someone from the community is just around the corner and in 5-10mins your allied with a friendly. We do take the game seriously, but we of course we like to have fun!! We go out on raids in formations and squads, we also have 20 man dance off’s, try to cook meat with satchel charges and watch people fight in the Ring of Pirates, with crowbars – we love a crowbar deathmatch! Do you feel basing the clan around Day-Z offers an experience other clans may not? Not really, we already play other games together and have plans to play some of the larger upcoming games as a clan! Currently the name is based around Day-Z as that’s of course where it all started, but with the recent influx of players and donations we can see this like-minded group of people sticking together and going far! Day-Z although is a unique game, you need patience, fast reactions and the ability to play as a team. Day-Z really tests peoples ability to play together, as a team you experience many ups and downs and fingers crossed if we move onto other games Day-Z will make us one of the strongest clans around… If you do decide to venture into other games would you need to re-brand the clan? I guess we would. I assume we would keep the ‘Pirate’ theme as its working well so far… yarrr!!! haha!! We are introducing some hierarchy and honorary members for donators etc. Everything we’ve done so far, we try to do as a team, if we were to re-brand that would be a decision by majority. Forum (where to apply to join!): www.tpoc.co.uk Join our public TS3 (We have a members and public area, so come say hey!): ts.tpoc.co.uk We also currently run a 70 man server: DayZ - LU1 (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - [-3 UTC] The Pirates of Chernarus! tpoc.co.uk
  3. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    They get cold... We need a bigger one, with heaters! :D
  4. Danneh (DayZ)

    My First Street Race in Day Z[Video]

    Pretty good gear for someone who doesn't know what wheels look like in DayZ... fail!
  5. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    Looking forward to being apart of 'The Coalition' ... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/74963-trading-high-tier-loot-for-intel-on-the-coalition/
  6. Look forward to seeing you my friend... So your telling me, If I give you Intel on LU1 I can get myself 3 NON HACKED NVG's? You got tha skillzzzz!
  7. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Looking forward to being apart of this guys..
  8. Do you have countdown to server restart messages? Also why is your website so out of date? Puts me off ordering from you guys.
  9. Danneh (DayZ)

    Trading outpost

    Isn't it already being done by the "Freeside Trading Co."?
  10. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    Not for work/kids!
  11. Danneh (DayZ)

    Looking for squad

    Check us out :)
  12. Danneh (DayZ)

    looking for a possie to role with

    Hey dude, check us out - recruitment thread is below :)
  13. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    Having some fun at our new camp, for a few hours anyway before we got hacked and all died! haha...
  14. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

  15. Danneh (DayZ)

    looking for mature experienced uk players

    Appealing post! :thumbsup:
  16. PM me, maybe we can do something with our group? Check our recruitment thread below, see what you think of us. We do serious training & missions, also have fun trying to cook cows with satchel charges and beat each other up with crowbars in the ring of pirates! haha!
  17. Danneh (DayZ)

    Looking for a team to join.

    Communitcation is key to DayZ, mainly on vet servers! Check us out, we are a non duping/hacking/ghosting clan and we never shoot unarmed or other players in 'spawn' towns without trying to make contact!
  18. Danneh (DayZ)

    Watch out for jerry11600

    We had that once... Let a guy into our Skype/TS channel and even after 5 hours of getting to know him and playing with him, getting him geared and looted he still shot a lot of us and stole a car. Feels pretty shitty when you let someone into your group like this and they shit all over you. Makes me want to falcon punch him in the face, but hey... its the beauty of DayZ huh!
  19. Danneh (DayZ)

    Looking for a Serious clan.

    tPoC might be the clan for you :P
  20. Danneh (DayZ)

    Experienced Players Looking for Clan/Squad

    Hey guys, were still looking for players, expenienced players are even better!!!!!! Check out our recruitment thread below :)
  21. Danneh (DayZ)

    New to the game, looking for a group/squad!

    Theres a few awesome squads out there already! Feel free to check us out, our recruitment thread is below :)
  22. Danneh (DayZ)

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    I think what he means is, were still recruiting guys! :D
  23. Danneh (DayZ)

    UK Survivor looking for a clan

    hey guys, we are still looking for players to join us! Check us out below :) Got a few scotts with us already too! ;) lol
  24. Danneh (DayZ)

    Looking for friendly people to play with

    Hey! We are still recruiting... check us out! Info below