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About Snablas

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  1. Wouldn't hurt with something in the middle too, so that we aren't just running up and down Chernarus (spelling?)...
  2. Snablas

    Zombies in buildings

    So is it in or not? Because I've never really encountered it before. At the very least, the spawn rate must be dramatically lowered inside. Or am I just imagining things? =(
  3. A quick post: I see that we'll be spending a whole lot of more time in buildings when the standalone arrives. This has me slightly concerned, seeing as the buildings in DayZ haven't got any zombies spawning inside them. This means that the exposure to zeds will be much less, and that the tension in the game stemming from zeds therefore will be much less. In buildings you're always "safe" from the zeds. Why? Wouldn't it be great to stand behind the door, listening for the moans of the undead? To enter a house, only to hear zeds walking around on the upper floor? Could we please see zombies spawning inside buildings for the standalone? The spawn rate wouldn't have to be as high as in the open, seeing as zeds are more dangerous in the cramped spaces of building interiors.
  4. I am also not convinced. The jumping over the fence looks a bit awkward, I mean, the vault animation in DayZ the mod definitely looks authentic, a bit tiredly and like something someone who has been stuck in the woods for several dayz would do. I am also a huge fan of having to stop to shoot. It adds just a fraction of a second before you pull the trigger, like your character has to take aim. It simply looks more controlled, and like the real way to handle a gun. If those things are fixed are fixed, I don't really mind the cross hair or inventory... Although I hope Rocket will still force us to sit down to open our inventory, or at least the backpack.
  5. I don't know if this counts as a big disadvantage, but I think it's worth mentioning: I was in cherno, on a server with surprisingly little loot as newspawn. IRL it was late in the evening but in the game it was a cloudy day. I ran through almost every house, exchanging hits with zeds along the way, but as my food was running low and my character was getting increasingly thirsty I decided it was time to take the big risk- The... Supermarket That damned graphic glitch was having its primetime. The zombies were scarce. And even though there wasn't any food anywhere else, the supermarket was filled to the brim. I went and started filling my backpack, checking the back first and saving the deathtrap of the storefront for the end of my looting. And very well, as I was grabbing the last supplies, someone entered through the main enterance, carrying a handgun. I looked at him, slowly walking backwards towards the back door with my axe in my hands, repeating "Friendly, don't shoot". The man was silent, but before I could exit, a shot hit the wall behind me. I turned around, sprinting out the exit with the man coming after me. Which were my options? Attacking him with my axe? Run around the exterior of the building, hoping he would take the wrong turn? Run straight for the buildings around the supermarket, and hide? The storefront faced the big, open road leading away from the city, and the back of the store faced a big wall with an opening right at the back door of the supermarket. However, between the supermarket and church was also a big, open street. He would have a clear shot at me. Went out the exit, through the wall, and turned around to hug it. The wall was high and impossible to see through, but thanks to third person I could see the supermarket. I didn't have to wait long for the man to come after me. As he walked through the opening in the wall, he checked both sides. Sadly, he checked the wrong side first. My first blow landed on his back, breaking his legs. I had quite a bad aim in third person, so of my subsequent blows only one or two landed. He tried to get up but couldn't, and instead tried to shoot me but turning around. However, since the turn speed while prone is much slower than while standing, I was able to circle him without him being able to hit me. At last, he just gave up. As he was about to die, he used his mic for the last time. Cursing, he told me he would come after me again when he respawned. I remained quiet, as his final insults stopped and the server anounced him dead.
  6. Snablas

    Build Discussion

    I think the point of the crashsites and towns is that the soldiers you loot from would have placed out markers for those, just like a player would have. However, it doesn't make much sense with it updating. The ideal would ofc be maps that would be treated like an item- So that you would have to go find another map in order to get updated locations. But, I guess the zombies wouldn't update the map either...
  7. Sounds good. Perhapse we don't need all those fancy pancy "survival views" but rather just keep it text-based. Then, it shouldn't be so heavy on the system, right? Fully support this. How about the game doesn't tell you what you need to use, but you have to figure it out on your own? Using an in-game catalouge or something like that. It would really put some worth into an experienced medic. It would also make the game's medical-system much more intriguing.
  8. Of course. I think what is really unique in DayZ is the "needs", the needs to eat and drink and apply antibiotics. I think that killing other players make surviving too easy. Attacking another player should really make you think: Is this player valuable to me? Is his loot? Is attacking him a danger to me? Have I got enough bullets for a prolonged firefight? Right now, a lee enfield is a bit of a "click to win" button. Especially out of town.
  9. Swedish guy, DE.... Something. Think it was three numbers. Called me crazy axeman and ran, but when you found out we were from the same country we teamed up. Went to cherno, you took the lee enfield since I was content with my axe. We found each a backpack. Then, server connection seperated us. I'm sorry =(
  10. TL;DR is bad for the brain. Anyway, I do think stealth should be more important. But I still think zombies should be quite slow. The numbers is the way to go.
  11. I, atleast, am not satisfied with the difficulty in killing other players. I do, occasionly, play the bad guy and when I do a single kill can sustain me for almost a whole life. PVP in this game is too easy. Surviving is too easy. I think increasing the players need of supplies will make both harder. People who find good gear will be more afraid of losing it, and that can only be a good thing.
  12. Well, I can gear up without killing a single player within perhapse thirty minutes. Perhapse your way isn't the only way? I think a lot of players kill others because of that this almost always make you advance in the game. If others weren't so geared up, then I don't think people were to be so inclined to kill them. Besides, how would you decrease unnecessary banditry?
  13. This, exactly. People are bored, the start of the game is too easy, especially if you start living in the woods.
  14. Of course! I might have been a bit sloppy in my text (English is not my mane language), I meant that if surviving/gearing up was harder, then perhapse bandits would be more inclined to only attack players that they need to kill. I think that a lot of killing nowadays is because people are bore, or at least think PVP is the best passtime. If they were to be more entertained, then perhapse there would be less mindless slaughter and rather attacks against th players who would provide more "worthy" loot. They would still be killing, and it would still be a viable playstyle, but less geared players wouldn't be such a target if the bullets were worth more. I think increasing the need for the players in the game would mean killing would be limited to that which is needed for the bandits. Mostly, anyway.