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About josejalapeno

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  1. josejalapeno

    Whats your autowalk contraption ?

    Another easy way without using a heavy object is to fold a piece of paper a few times until it's thick enough to push down the side of the up arrow key
  2. josejalapeno

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    5 seconds would be good, 10 sec would be overkill but probably acceptable. Dayz is not like other games where fights usually take up to at least a minute or more. A single well placed shot can end a persons life instantly. If you cant finish him off within 5 seconds you need to get a more powerful weapon or just don't be bad at the game. If the guy is a distance away and manages to get into cover and tries to log you wouldn't even kill him in 30-40 sec unless you sprint right at him which no sensible person would do anyway. I've been cornered in a room for 10 minutes before without anyone daring to try come in. Also who's gameplay do you think is more "ruined"? The guy who doesn't get a kill because the someone logged on him, or the guy who loses connection for whatever reason and dies because he is standing in the middle of a field or on the street for 40 seconds?
  3. josejalapeno

    How to practice all weapons in singleplayer?

  4. Can't really blame people who shoot unarmed people on sight. There was a noob running around in the elektro offices, and there were another 4-5 guys there who just let him walk around. He then went to the store and found a shotgun and went back to the office and killed all of them. I felt pretty bad after that but they had nice loots (full alice packs and silenced mp5)
  5. josejalapeno

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Some problems with ammo. All ammo in main weapon inventory disappears when picking up a weapon. Don't fall on the ground but are completely gone. Unlimited ammo for Remington/M1014. It's possible to convert a single 2 round pack to 8 round pack, and split 8 round pack into 4 2 round packs. Drop 3 of them, and convert them one by one to 8 round packs again.
  6. josejalapeno

    Do you remember your first murder or murderer?

    First time was more a unintentional manslaughter. Had found a group of random guys to team up with and we travelled almost all the way across the coast. In one of the towns somewhere around Staroye I guess we pulled some zombie aggro. I hear one behind me, turn around and shoot both the zombie and one of my companions. No one said anything in chat so I don't think they knew what happened and just assumed he died to zombies. Second kill was an experiment. The experiment was: Can a Lee Enfield kill a guy holding a flare on the hospital roof from the top of this hill east of Elektro. The answer is yes.
  7. josejalapeno

    Logging in next to other users

    Could use some sort of a fix, but for now don't log off in towns or in buildings where people go to a lot. Usually if server crashes while I'm in a town I find a near empty server to get out. Once I was on the highest tower in Cherno with another guy when 2 bandits log in right there. After a lot of confusion both bandits end up dead and we got DMR, silenced M4 CCO and 2 NVG :D
  8. josejalapeno

    Mod Question

  9. josejalapeno

    Save issues?

    Last patch reset a lot of peoples locations so they end up on the beach again, so that's probably what happened. I have noticed games not saving tho. After leaving a server after 2 hours of playing I log back in at the same place I had started at the previous session and had the same old items.
  10. josejalapeno


    lmao 6 slots server? Fix it then bring it back up. Good to know the devs are removing the useless servers so maybe it becomes easier to log in. e: Also didn't notice any sarcams in that chat..
  11. OP is obviously hacking, and made this thread so he can look innocent when he gets banned! ^^
  12. josejalapeno

    Stamina in Dayz

    It's actually 225km². About 15km to run across the map
  13. josejalapeno

    Can't use items in inventory

    You sure you're insured and need to use them? Option only appears if you are hurt.