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Everything posted by Manaw

  1. Manaw

    Where do you draw the line?

    I think the only person you can kill that just makes you look like an ass is an unarmed character. Once I decided to see what would happen if I went around to random places in big cites and sat down. I dropped all my gear and just went around Cherno and Elektro. The first guy I met stopped to chat and even bandaged me. Every other person shot the random guy sitting at the bus stop, the middle of the street, and church. Even when he offered them drinks. And on your sniper friend, I agree that it is different, just not in the way he thinks. If the guy is running around either unarmed or with a hatchet/crowbar, unless you're guarding a stash or a friend, there is no point in wasting the bullet until he has a gun and actually poses a threat.
  2. If DayZ is still loaded it might not work. I read a thread that said it makes the main ARMA II stuff unplayable.
  3. Manaw

    Operation: Father Grigori.

    Nice video! I tried doing something like this as Captain Pacifist, but I didn't drop all my starting gear and refused to use weapons, unless I was hunting animals for meat. Didn't go nearly as well as your play through did, every person I met shot me on sight.
  4. Manaw

    Arma II No Lag, Day Z No FPS

    If you haven't read it, then the "How to set up your graphics properly" thread helps alot.
  5. If you're getting chased by zombies head inside or to a dock. If you can't go inside or onto a dock, try to squeeze your way between trees to lose a few zombies
  6. Manaw


    I think this is a really neat idea, but I think it will force players apart because they'll be thinking "If I team up with this guy and he gets killed later, I'll get trauma!" and won't team up with anyone unless they already have trauma. Some sort of positive effect beyond just helping with trauma should come from grouping with people if this is supposed to encourage grouping.
  7. Manaw

    Introduce yourselves

    I have a forum account, might as well use it... Anyways, I'm Manaw both in the forums and in game and I've been playing for a about two months now. I play a bunch on the US, Texas, and Seattle severs and I'm probably too friendly for my own good, so feel free to say Hi.