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About Manaw

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. The stopping at a screen that just says 'Loading" is random, just try another server.
  2. I'm not sure that DayZ works with 1.62 actually, though I think your problem is that you don't have the beta patch. Does it say "Beta" or something like that on the side bar where it lists expansions? I'd use DayZ commander if I were you, at least for patching the game as it's designed for DayZ and is more up to date update wise than SixLauncher.
  3. Manaw


    I'm not sure if you're just joking or you totally miss the point of the thread.Anyways, no name for it, but someone who lives in one of the cafe/house things and offers food and a drink for bullets(or anything, really) to anyone that comes in.
  4. Manaw

    Team up with me?

    I've added you on Skype. I can play now if you want
  5. Manaw

    Team up with me?

    I'll join too if you don't mind, I'm -8 so two hours behind you. Do you mind 15 year olds?
  6. Manaw


    Yes. Does the shepherd get bonus points if they use the zombie face and only use melee weapons?
  7. Manaw

    Let's make a small team.

    Yeah. I just posted on the other thread you posted in so maybe we can all group up. And yeah, my skype is on the other thread.
  8. Manaw

    Small 2-4 man team?

    Might end up playing with another group, but if I can I'll join you guys. My skype is "jared.mk"
  9. Manaw

    Let's make a small team.

    I might join you, I'm in the same timezone. Do you mind 15 year olds?
  10. Manaw


    Why not have explosives destroy the buildings? They destroy tents and vehicles.
  11. Manaw

    Zeds...zombies...infected ooh my.

    I call them Zeds over all just because it's faster to type and say, but Walker, Hoppers, and Crawlers when I'm being specific or aren't running
  12. Manaw

    Melee weapons in the pistol slot.

    I feel that the hatchet and crowbar belong in the rifle slot as they're big, but maybe if they added the hunting knife as a weapon or any other smaller melee weapons that they could use the pistol slot.
  13. Manaw

    Dayz Gladiators...

    It would be cool if someone built a Colosseum where you could fight. For beans and glory!
  14. Manaw

    Dayz Gladiators...

    Some actually already did that. And on a totally related note, "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?"
  15. Manaw

    No Gun

    There are loot tables on http://dayzdb.com/ if you want to know where to find what. It shows what buildings spawn what guns and how often. though just searching inside buildings you'll eventually find something. If you don't have any valuable loot, try hitting one of the big cities.