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Hippo (DayZ)

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About Hippo (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hippo (DayZ)


    my bro bought this game and started playing it, I played it later that afternoon and it was saved as his. We have individual accounts on steam and both bought the game separately. I lost everything I had on me (anyway to recover my save would nice) but I want separate saves for different steam accounts
  2. thats just it I was in Zelenogorsk with my friend and next day i logged in im in no mans land bump.
  3. Hippo (DayZ)

    Respawn buttion on "You are dead" screen.

    yes, that would help for new players especially
  4. Hippo (DayZ)

    Melee weapons!

    I was wondering if there will ever be a use for that lonely hatchet for when you don't have any ammo. I think it would be awesome to be able to use things like this as melee weapons, nothing like the melee in L4D2 (that would be unfair), but a little animation where your character swings his axe and hits the zombie in the side of the head knocking him over but still with the axe stuck in his head, leaving you to yank it out. This "action would take several seconds, leaving you vulnerable to mauling. This would be handy for that lone zombie you want to kill without attracting a horde.