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About b66bones@hotmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. b66bones@hotmail.com

    Fun and Rage at the same time

    I'm enjoying it, bug-warts and all. My most upsetting deaths have been largely self inflicted. It's in alpha - I take everything that actually does work as a bonus! The success of this mod I think is largely due to how much fun can be had with just a few implemented concepts and the Arma2 engine. I like how big changes are getting tested and feedback is getting listened to and acted upon. I hope in a few years people will be playing the Arma3 (or 4?) version reminiscing of the good'ole Alpha days, when you couldn't do X, and didn't have Y! (..those were the days) The most exciting thing about this mod is that it is in an early phase and I hope the best is yet to come. Dealing with and reporting any issues is just part of the fun.
  2. b66bones@hotmail.com

    My experience with spawning with no weapons

    I think that if you're gonna spawn-rape, then you're gonna spawn-rape; regardless of when and how you got your gun... so spawning without a gun is not necessarily a "Fix" for that. But I also think not having a weapon to start with makes the first few moments in the game that much more desperate an dinteresting... It gives you a clear initial goal. Priority 1. GET A GUN! As i found though, you can still do get pretty damned far without finding one at all, let alone firing a shot. I got all the way to NW airfield with no weapon, and plenty of contact with zombies! You have to be pretty passive to get shot at the spawn.. Weave like a carpet-maker and get in that tree line!
  3. b66bones@hotmail.com

    My experience with spawning with no weapons

    I enjoyed the lack of a weapon.. I had my most rewarding life yet and never used a gun! Admittedly it was after a couple of deaths discovering the Zs had eagle eyesight. I headed north, hoping to find a pistol in some small outlying buildings dotted around the place, and after lots of crawling I managed to find lots of extra bits an pieces, flares, matches (finally), pistol ammo, but no gun. In all this, I inevitably managed to get the attention of a few Zs and ended up in a mad sprint into the woods hoping the thick trees and bushes would affect their LOS.. ..no such luck. It would appear only buildings block LOS. Bushes and trees (used to act as concealment in OPFP/ARMA) don't seem to count. Eventually I managed to lose them by (I think) running down a steep embankment - therefore out of sight due to the ground being in the way. No weapon - lost lots of blood - used my last bandage - somehow not dead! No matter! - to the next town for supplies! As I struggled through a bush at the top of a steep hill I pretty much walked into the back of a tractor before realized what it was. Great - a broken vehicle. But wait.. all the wheels are there, it looks in good condition. Bet you it has no fuel... Incredibly it had 1/2 a tank.. I spent the next few minutes tearing down the road looking for buildings to FIND THAT PISTOL! Lots if empty cans, and a hatchet but no weapons of any kind! A long drive later (involving a certain degree of zombie-mowing, and finding and swapping to a fully functioning car) and I came across a cow at the side of the road. Fantastic - a cow, and i have matches, hatchet, knife, but NO GUN! The first time i have actually managed to gather all the bits for a useful camp fire - and no way to shoot the cow! I was so obsessed with the lack of a gun it took me a couple of minutes to realize I could just run it over with the car... Man those cows are tough. 3 hits at full speed finally brought it down. One brief campfire later and i was near full blood, colour vision, and on my merry way. Next stop - northern airfield. I arrived at full throttle expecting the airfield to be full of bandits blasting it out but it was actually pretty quiet. Plenty of Zs - so i set about mowing them down with the car to clear out an area so i could sprint in to the buildings. At this point no sooner had i wiped out the last Z, that even more spawned. Anyway - I ended up with a nice AK with a few rounds... managed to wreck the car though. Oh well things were looking good! Next I was going to:SERVER DIED. I realize this was when lots of people were having problems after the 1.7.1 patch, but I actually had good fun with it! Even though Z respawn was ridiculous, and loot was messed up. Where there's a will there's a way! *longer post than initially expected.