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Everything posted by TerroDragon

  1. TerroDragon

    Shoot on site solution...

    This would take the whole idea of dayz away, The Game is about the paranoia and player reactions if they meet each other.
  2. TerroDragon

    Thank you, TX21, Bean palace.

    I like big campfires :DD
  3. TerroDragon

    Have you seen these people?

    This sounds do fucking awesome xD
  4. Sounds cool, like you can clear an area and then it is clean for some Minutes :)
  5. TerroDragon

    Server Hoppers.

    Not a long time ago i was in the Barracks in a Server and the Server crashed... I had to switch and spawned directly behind a player that was looting. I instantly killed him and felt sry after i saw his gear :/ But if i didnt killed him he would have killed me. M4A1 CCO SD with 8 mags 24 slot Bag G17 with 7 mags bandages 3 blood bags more suplies
  6. TerroDragon

    New Spawn Gear BREAKS THE GAME

    It is fine, you just cant use the same tactic like before...
  7. I think it was a great idea, less bandits who just spawned and had "nothing to loose" now everything what you find in the beginning is important :) (english is not my main language....)