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About dinosaurJR

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. dinosaurJR

    I'm having problems

    I would suggest searching running beta + steam, if you are doing so, in threse forums; there was a very helpful thread. Although if you are not using steam, you might have the wrong settings in the beta launcher. Of course, this is irrelevant as you hate the mod and have carried out the mother of all rage quits...
  2. dinosaurJR

    Bored now

    *ahem* Yeah, hands up anyone who hasn't died since before the update removing the mak and morphine?... I haven't experienced the sheer terror of spawning at the coast with nothing but your pork sword to ward off enemies... Which is why I find this guys tears fruity and delicious. Seriously though; there seems to be crossbows leeroy Enfields and shotties everywhere I look thesedays. Binos, hunting knives and hatchets too... getting tooled up isn't that hard, no sir...
  3. dinosaurJR

    Same old story

    Agreed. Hell, even if I am about to break from the tree line (with nothing in particular around) I stop for a couple of minutes, check around (including the back trail) and then I will go ahead. That said, when I am in town I tend to run around like a big stupid zed magnet... If town is empty it means that there are no players in there, plus the longer you wait, the more zeds will spawn because of you being there...The new aggro mechanic makes it easy to lose the bulk of them anyway, then mop up the last dogged few that keep coming. Then you have a few minutes to loot before they respawn / other players arrive... Player corpses always make me jumpy too - I very rarely go check them out as I am worried that they are sniper bait.
  4. dinosaurJR

    felt really bad q.q

    You are not impressing me with your intelligence OP. You have just stated that you are buying your own server so that you and your clan; 1. Can have control over who plays on it. 2. Can control who has the vehicles and who doesn't. 3. Can lock the server when ever you feel like it to fix up vehicles, loot farm and do all other kinds of dick head things. 4. Lock the server any time you want to make movies. Yeah... good luck getting that server white listed. Even doing this "quickly at night" will cause an all mighty shit storm in the Cheat Reporting forum. Go, check out the amount of Admin Abuse threads being started for just this sort of shit.
  5. dinosaurJR


    Kids will be kids... It was probably him that was doing the illicit flying.
  6. dinosaurJR

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    This is the dumbest most ill conceived sugestion thread since the last fucking / marriage / kids / NPC family thread... And that one was a fucking doozy. OP, you really aren't convincing us at all. Repeating "but realism" or stating that those who don't like your suggestion are trolling you are not very persuasive arguments, non?
  7. dinosaurJR


    Holy shit! OK.. OK, dibs on being Robin....!
  8. dinosaurJR

    no weapons

    Zombies don't chase you forever anymore. Break their line of sight for long enough and they lose interest. True fact.
  9. dinosaurJR

    Looking For Norwegian Players!

    Jeg har ingen mikrofon, men jeg skal prøve å vare snill hvis vi treffer hver andre. Hvordan er de Svenske servers, da? Jeg pleier å spille på UK87...
  10. dinosaurJR

    Looking For Norwegian Players!

    Kult! Hvilken navner bruker dere i spillen? Og hvilken server spiller dere på mest?
  11. Well then the developers need to update it then, eh? Otherwise who knows what is legit anymore? Of course; the game is being updated fairly constantly, so it should probably be updated once the content is frozen (which will be a loooooong way away, probably) the best solution is; if in doubt, leave it.
  12. I think the best thing to do is err on the side of caution. If you are unsure, check the wiki HERE; http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons If it isn't in the wiki, leave it be. But if you are quite happy to run around with hacked weapons (yes, I know, that you DIDN'T hack yourself, you found them...) then you are really not the kind of person to err on the side of caution, are you? TBH it seems like you aren't getting the answer you want which is "yeah, sure, everyone is happy for you, use the hacked gun, enjoy", so you are going to go ahead with this fool's venture anyway, regardless of what anyone says...
  13. dinosaurJR

    Learnt a valuable lesson..

    As I lack a mic, I don't think I will ever get that experience. Added to that, the lap top is situated in the lounge (where the hard wire connection is; fuck wireless for gaming) so I play using big ass can stylee headphones, due to the missus wanting to watch tv etc... This makes using a mic in addition kinda impossible... Luckily we are moving to a bigger place next week, so I might try to lay a claim to the spare bedroom for my gaming room... Shitty thing is that even then you guys might not understand my shitty Scottish accent... :(
  14. I can see this server being black listed pretty damn quick. Toot sweet.
  15. Normally play solo. Only really teamed up twice, neither trip ended well... Session length? I think the shortest is around an hour, longest around 3 hours. I don't get enough time to play, sadly...