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Everything posted by IvanTheNotSoTerrible

  1. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    you know when you played to much dayz when....

    When you are going back to Moscow on a train and it stops at a station called Chernogorsk, which makes you freak out cause you are unarmed.
  2. Vaq, does this server use your sophisticated autoban script as well? Even having the game reinstalled it still kicks me out from LOTC servers.
  3. Trees still look the same to me, still, fingers crossed that the reinstallation helped and that I'd be able to play on LOTC servers...
  4. Vaq, I have successfuly reinstalled Arma 2 OA, unban me please :3 (I do really hope your script will let me play now :P)
  5. Vaq, do you think I have to reinstall both Arma 2 and OA or just OA would do?
  6. Alright, thanks, I'll see if I can find the files online, if not, well, reinstalling the game is all I can do.
  7. I have a non-steam version ._.
  8. That could be the Very Low Vegetation visuals tweak I am using to help run Arma 2 on my prehistoric computer at 15-25 FPS http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7252 Looks like I will have to reinstall the game as I did not make a backup of original tree visuals...
  9. I apologize for wasting your time Vaq. *gives some beans*
  10. ..Well, guess what...Again! Could that be because I have a Bear Trap inside my backpack? A tent? Too many cans of beans? >.<
  11. I wish I knew man, so I'd stop doing that! xD
  12. Are you sure you got the latest beta patch installed? ARMA2_OA_Build_95168.zip
  13. How about another unban Vaq? ARMA2 OA Player ID#: 2136996
  14. I've noticed a slight performance boost with that beta. Really makes me wonder why am I a target for autobanning for the second time? Could that be the russian IP? Cant think of anything else at the moment.
  15. It is up, but as soon as I reloaded my AKM I got banned again ;D EDIT: I can play fine on the second one tho, which is weird. EDIT2: Not. I could play a little longer this time, but then the banhammer came down from the sky. Please Vaq, do something about this :(
  16. Vaq, unban me on the LOTC servers! sent you a PM on your forums too :3
  17. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    How about the ability to load up bikes in cars

    I like that idea!
  18. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    Stuck on 'Wait for Host' PLEASE HELP!

    Same here, updated BE, reinstalled the latest beta, waiting for host still.
  19. Hello people, About 5 hours ago I logged onto US89 TX and found myself standing in Kamenka with nothing (I logged off in completely different place with pretty decent gear) so I emoquitted, checked the forums, there was a topic about some guy installing the new experimental patch and the latest beta, then going to SE 3 and getting his stuff back. So I did, but it didnt help as I still was in Kamenka. I got shot, spawned and woah- im back at where I was yesterday with all my gear :3 So I rolled back to 1.7.2 and 94700, went on to US89 TX and, all of a sudden, been kicked from the server when the loading screen showed up. Now I get kicked out from any server I try to join, I reinstalled the experimental patch and the latest beta but I also got kicked from SE 3. Do you have any idea what could be the problem? Would really appreciate some help. Much love, Ivan
  20. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    Cannot connect to any server, getting kicked out for no reason

    XAM, I managed to log in successfuly, reinstalling DayZ from scratch using DayZ Installer helped. Thanks for your assistance! Mods, kill the thread please.
  21. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    Cannot connect to any server, getting kicked out for no reason

    Then SE 3, wil try to log in in 5 minutes!
  22. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    Cannot connect to any server, getting kicked out for no reason

    I'll roll back to 1.7.2 and try connecting to US 89 (the NwO one, not the TX one)
  23. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    Cannot connect to any server, getting kicked out for no reason

    Arma- 1.61 (the latest beta) DayZ- experimental patch (I rolled it back to 1.60 and 1.7.2 which did not help either)
  24. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    Cannot connect to any server, getting kicked out for no reason

    Would be much easier if I did get anything apart from 'You were kicked from the server' (my game isnt in English tho but there could be no mistake in the message :P) I did reinstall the game, still cant connect.
  25. IvanTheNotSoTerrible

    Cannot connect to any server, getting kicked out for no reason

    Will try that now, thank you.