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About basejumper31

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    On the Coast
  1. 'Shit just got real' and 'sorts the men from the toddlers' (previous post comments above) guys are we playing the same game? Zombies are laughable now!! They used to chase me for miles, now I can run round a building and lose them. Also, if in the wild, its possible to climb steep hills and either just run away while they're stuck on the hill, or if you go at the right angle you can kinda 'bounce' them off the hill, I killed around 25 in that manner on one occasion. Further still as someone said above, running into a barn and waiting for them to come in a while, then run out again, you're scott free. Zombies were tricky before 1.7.1, now they're just stupidly easy. My request would be - make the Zombies tougher again! I mean harder to shake off! All the other increases to their potency are welcome imo, but they're too easy now! People on here saying the new update is 'Sorting the men from the toddlers'? ridiculous. Make it harder like it used to be, please. The only reason I ever die now is cause there's no (extremely few) food or drink spawns. But I guess I shouldn't complain, I'd rather see it made harder than easier, even if it is made harder in ways I don't agree with (i.e. nerfing the spawns of water canteens/soda, it seems). It just means I have to kill other players to get a canteen I guess. Although a drinking vessel shouldn't be that hard to come by, even in a post-apocalyptic world. But please - imo the thing which makes DayZ so amazing is that the zombies were Scary, and it was hard to survive without getting eaten by them. Please make it like that again!
  2. basejumper31

    Hands up if the game is too Easy.

    To clarify my earlier entry above, the game is now too difficult for the wrong reason in my opinion. I just scoured every enterable building (as shown on the Maxander map) in Cherno and Balota (town, port and airfield) on a server with 18 other people. There was not ONE item of food or drink (nor any empty canteens) at any of the spawn locations. I did however find 5 x watches, 2 x compass, 3 x matches, 4 x hunting knives. But have now had to log out to avoid dying of thirst (again). There seems something wrong with the loot spawns, I pray they fix this quickly. :(
  3. basejumper31

    Hands up if the game is too Easy.

    I totally agree that infected behaviour since the latest patch, 1.7.1, is laughable. I can openly sprint across the map and quickly lose all zombie aggro. The 'fear' element of Z's is probably the main unique thing about this mod in my opinion, and it was initially characterized by being hard to stay alive! Weirdly since the 1.7.1 release I can't seem to find food or drink anywhere! (even empty canteens) Now I'm dying of thirst everytime, the Z's are irrelevant. Hope they sort this out quickly and return DayZ to its amazing former glory. I applaud all the other updates, it just needs for Z's to be way less easy to shake off, like they were before, and just the occasional water canteen / soda can would enable me to survive longer than the current 30 minutes or so. As for food I can just cook animals, but water, there is no way to drink without a vessel. Fingers crossed!