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About Ddoom

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    On the Coast
  1. If that's a function of non-admins, then this game is more broken than I thought.
  2. So I was teleported, last night, to the roof of a building in the NW airfield, along with everyone else on the server, which turned into a bloodbath for everyone who didn't logout in time... but now that's not an option to prevent people from Alt+F4ing out of combat. Great. How about taking these administrator functions away in this mod? There's no reason to have controls like that, so why not disable them? I won't be playing again until there's some fixes for this, and I won't be buying any Arma 3 : DayZ either unless I'm sure this is taken care of. Looking through the server complains forum, I see this isn't an isolated or even rare incident. There were 20+ people on my server last night who were all teleported to their deaths, and not one of them posted here about it, so I can only assume this is happening pretty damn frequently. This is the #1 issue, not alt+f4ing out of combat or zombie vision or rarity of vehicles.
  3. Ddoom

    DayZ Thinking It is Arma...

    The server(s) you're joining have different patch/beta versions. Try different servers until you find the ones with matching versions. Unfortunately, until there's a system to keep everyone and all servers at a specific patch/beta level, this will keep happening.
  4. Ddoom

    Zombies after patch

    Solution : pick up can, throw, move away quietly in opposite direction.
  5. Ddoom

    No sound

    I'll just add my name to the list, as myself and another friend of mine are having the same problem. On the server we joined last night (identified as a server, to match the versions we were running), at least two other people were having the same problem. Also, there is the incorrect version message on the screen, but it's almost faded out and it flickers just a little bit but it's almost illegible at the level of faded out it is at. Sux, I love this game, and want to play, but haven't been able to play since the patches after 1.7.0. I used the Six Updater / Six launcher to do all the patching, and according to that, my game is all patched up and good to go.