So I was teleported, last night, to the roof of a building in the NW airfield, along with everyone else on the server, which turned into a bloodbath for everyone who didn't logout in time... but now that's not an option to prevent people from Alt+F4ing out of combat. Great. How about taking these administrator functions away in this mod? There's no reason to have controls like that, so why not disable them? I won't be playing again until there's some fixes for this, and I won't be buying any Arma 3 : DayZ either unless I'm sure this is taken care of. Looking through the server complains forum, I see this isn't an isolated or even rare incident. There were 20+ people on my server last night who were all teleported to their deaths, and not one of them posted here about it, so I can only assume this is happening pretty damn frequently. This is the #1 issue, not alt+f4ing out of combat or zombie vision or rarity of vehicles.