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Everything posted by RB30E

  1. most players are on around 6pm till late south australia time.
  2. Since i posted the original post 23 players have come on the server, most of them are regulars now. It's great to see even though i havent been playing DayZ much myself recently, the guys keep coming on. It helps me with my ambitions of restarting my website and clan/community wich I had for Project Reality on bf2. Keep the new players coming in and thanks to all the guys currently in teamspeak playing dayz.
  3. Bump, teamspeak will be moving to a new host soon i will post the ip here when its been changed and it will also be found in the current teamspeak. thanks
  4. minding my own buisness looking for loot killing zombies out of no where i get shot in the back doesnt say a word to me just shoots i havent seen the guy. tbh its getting a little old retards cant play the game the way its ment to so they just get trigger happy and shoot people in the back. Get over ya selves you arent good for shooting someone in the back you are actually quite sad. gtfo and play cod if you want to kill people for no reason other than to make your e-penis bigger
  5. RB30E

    fix the game ffs

    This guy is obviously hardcore^
  6. no worries mate, hope to see you in soon to have a few games :)
  7. RB30E


    Don't join this place yz is a whiney bitch when he doesnt get his own way. he will fuck you over if you dont do what he says and if you are better than he is he will kill you and take your shit, and ban you from vent. they fail at racing sims and they probably fail at this too. *Posting privileges suspended*
  8. RB30E

    fix the game ffs

    The pvp is not as it was intended the game was supposed to be a zombie survival not a cod deathmatch survival, i like the pvp i like the fact that people can shoot others what i dont like is the fact every single fuckwit in this game kills for no reason other than oh hes got a pistol ill kill him because im a scared little faggot that cant talk to someone in game. Communicate with people before you shoot them if they ignore you or look at you with a gun pointed then blast away none of this sneak up behind a poor c*nt and shoot him in the back because he might take a can of beans that you already have 10 of. Cant wait until the zombies actually kill you and make it hard to move around then all the pvp losers will be gone for good.
  9. RB30E

    fix the game ffs

    i kill other people' date=' and i am proud of it! i like to live, you know... [/quote'] Turn pvp of for this reason^ until muppets like him egt the point of the game tyvm
  10. RB30E

    fix the game ffs

    I'm not ranting this game is going to die in the ass if people keep shooting others in the back for no reason. It's happened to other games for other reasons, playing a game is supposed to be fun, you cant have fun when others are being retards thinking its cod4 on a huge map. If I wanted to be shot everytime i picked up a gun i would play cod or bf3, Take the pvp out of the game, until kids learn that helping eachother is funner than ruining others games. I play bf3 alot and i come here to have a nice slow game avoiding zombies and finding food/drink to live. You dont expect cod kiddies to come over to a slow paced combat sim and try killing everyone in the game, there is a game called arma2 wich you get when you play dayz you paid for it to begin with go play that, or ace mod or prmod thats what they are for not Dayz.
  11. So bis have been making alot of money since the release of this mod, arma2 has been a top seller on steam for over a month now. It was never this popular before should'nt rocket be getting some sort of cut for all of his hard work and breathing life into a game that didnt really take off? wrong forum -_- should be in general
  12. RB30E

    BIS gaining from this mod

    developer? yes but so what this mod alone would have given bis a huge boost. should be getting more than an average cut of the earnings from it considering its taken bis over 9 months to release a new patch that has been in beta the whole time. That hasnt brought new players in if anything it scared players of like me. Im only back playing the game because of dayZ. Rocket has released more content and patches in the last 2 months than bis has in the last year......
  13. RB30E

    disable 3rd person view.

    made me smile :) yes nothing more immersive than a camera floating above your shoulder :) Ill just hide behind this rock and use my magic camera to look over it :) I do only play on Expert settings severs btw. I just like reading all the lame excuses people who want 3rd on try to use to justify it :) i laugh at the people saying fp is more immersive, the game is more immersive when you play the way you like dont troll, people like different things get over it and play what you like tyvm :)
  14. RB30E

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    61. dont put mustard on your cheese pizza it taste like ass.
  15. spawn more zeds in big cities ie cherno and electro, decrease the spawn rate and amount in small towns and villages. Have hordes of zombies in the country side that might be moving to a new city because there is no food or what ever. random single zombies in forests that might have got lost. if zombies get alerted by you they are quicker so there is no chance of running from them unless you lose them by losing them ie trees, hills, buildings. make crouch running quieter so they have to be with in 2 metres or so to hear it. having a ghillie suit makes you impossible to see prone in grass so if a horde walks past you even over you you can hide. this might help the zombies be a bit more threatening making them harder to get away from but if you are smart you can get away. ability to lock doors or baricade them could give time to devise a plan of excape/attack. barricades get dammaged by zeds but last long enough depending on how many zeds are at the barricade.... blah blah blah i have heaps of ideas now lets hear all the troll dis my ideas because its not realistic or what ever.
  16. RB30E

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    its simple put a no go zone outside the map much like bf3/bf2 bf2 pr. would fix this hording crap for good.
  17. I have a aussie teamspeak that i go on and play dayZ with a few other guys from time to time. Anyone else wanting to team up with other friendlies/bandits can come on and use it. Just a warning though if i talk to you in teamspeak doesnt mean i trust you so prove it or come in more than one time to join up with me and my mates. there is no password so just come in and have a chat or ask to team up. Bump :D
  18. RB30E

    coop squads

    Could have a squad menu at the start menu so you can join a squad and have instant allies that can work together and the one perk about joing a squad is that your first spawn in the server you can spawn near them or select a city on the map close to them to join up with them. I think this could help cooperative play and make the experience a bit more fun as you will make allies that you can muck around with and work as a team to stay alive. Squads could have a base start point as bandits or survivors aswell so you know what kind of team you are joining. Also it could make more interesting firefights. Doing this though with the zombies in there current state could make them a void factor in the game, so possibly make them spawn in greater numbers in the city and have random large herds in the forrest/country side.
  19. RB30E

    coop squads

    good interview but when he was gonna talk about his plans he got sidetracked so yeah that sucked -_-
  20. RB30E

    Army convoys

    simple civis can't drive the tanks they can only kill whats in it and take what they can from the bodies/vehicles to boost their equipment. but who is going to take ona military covoy with 3 or 4 people? little to no people would very high risk with the higher fire power, you would need a small army of 15 or so to take one down lol. if someone does manage to take it down the vehicles could stay there and be destroyed by the next military convoy with incdaries. might add an interesting dynamic to the game. but wouldnt the tanks have thermals? so the chances of sneaking up on such a convoy would be very small aswell. fun idea though
  21. RB30E

    Goal: Escape from Chernarus

    couldnt be avery hour would have to be a 24 hour thing so you have to survive longer plus it would kill any loot you find for the next life. more stats would be needed and so on
  22. RB30E

    Mod like this, but with dinosaurs!

    good idea but lets get Dayz finished first eh??
  23. RB30E

    Cooking + Combining Food, Recipes

    The hunger and thirst mechanic needs to be fixed, the servers are real time and i know for a fact i can go for 2 3 days with out food and a day or 2 with out water. So why do i get thirty and hungry every 1 or 2 hours? i like the idea of making recipes but if single foods will only fill you so much then the rate at wich we get hungry/thirsty need to be made longer. With a fatigue state the longer you wait to eat drink so you wait a day with out drinking or eating you cant run as long and you become tired to the point you get dehidrated and pass out. I dont fully understand the arma 2 engine but i reckon something like this could be done to make it more realistic. this way we could have less food loot making it more intense and more realistic being that in a situation like this i dont think we would find food in everbuilding we enter. Hunting animals would become more of a neccesary thing and going to lakes with water bottles will be mopre a factor aswell.
  24. RB30E

    AI Bandits

    To do this i think there needs to be a town or camp capture mechanic so if a group of people kill all the bandits in that town/village they can capture it and fortify, using it as a home base to store gear and use as like a safe house. this would lead to other teams of bandits trying to invade the base to capture it and all the loot that has been stored. But for this to work there would need to be alot more cities/towns/villages on a larger map. Plus i dont really see how it would work over all servers, would maybe have to be a server to server thing where the single server you played on you have to get back on to continue defending and using as a base.