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Everything posted by sovereignDE

  1. What are you here for then ?
  2. Did not have any success yet. Hopefully we can play again soon...
  3. sovereignDE

    bring back the normal zombie agro system now! 0.o

    I also liked the pre 1.7 system much better... zombies got supernatural capabilities nowadays...
  4. sovereignDE

    DayZ Memes

    Laughed a lot, this thread is awesome! He comes my contribution: Keep the memes going!
  5. sovereignDE

    Worth getting Arma II: CO?

    You don't even need to by CO. OA is enough, as it is possible to play it combined with Arma II: Free.
  6. I wonder how this mod is "unplayable" to new players, still thousands of new players join DayZ.
  7. Your hard work wasn't for nothing. You gained experience; you now know some weapon spawns, places to avoid and general gameplay mechanics. Next time you will do better and survive longer. Use direct com and if you are lucky you can find some companions.
  8. sovereignDE


    Lol, epic lumberjack bandits are epic! Is there going to be a next video?