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Everything posted by Yeung-Jin

  1. Yeung-Jin


    What is the community consensus on the current hand-to-hand combat? I've always thought a CQC system a la Metal Gear would be awesome, but I'm a huge MGS fan and heavily biased. I know there's been talk of ways of non-lethally incapacitating players, and I think some type of grappling system would be awesome. I imagine a scenario where you are taken hostage by a group of people and someone gets too close with their back turned, being able to put them in a choke hold and use them as leverage to escape or as a human shield. What do you guys think?
  2. Yeung-Jin


    The talk about reworking the UI and replacing the renderer makes me hopeful that more intricate combat will be plausible, but I agree that in it's current state it wouldn't work.
  3. Yeung-Jin


    I believe one of the purposes of this forum is to float ideas and talk to the community. No one here except you has proposed the idea that the dev team prioritizes hand-to-hand. What do you mean by "it is used by 1-3% of players"?
  4. Yeung-Jin


    I think that would be interesting as well, and would add an element of versatility to choosing a melee weapon. Rather than choosing a melee weapon based on how much damage it can inflict, choosing one that has attack options that fit your play style, such as having a knife for fast access and the ability to be coupled in hand with a pistol.
  5. Yeung-Jin

    Guns Not Working

    As far as I can tell this is a desync issue. I've shot players in the head and watched their bodies slide across the ground at sprinting speeds to cover and then finally die, then access to their inventory takes a couple minutes to become available.
  6. Yeung-Jin


    I tend to agree with the difficulty of implementation. I doubt it's going to happen as well, and desync would cause major issues. Back when I played the mod I used to pick up my friends who were unconscious and the desync would cause all sorts of goofy shit to happen. I still have high hopes for this game and hope by the time full release rolls around it will be a polished enough product for this sort of thing to work and be balanced.
  7. Yeung-Jin

    Guns Not Working

    I have a friend who had an issue with not being able to ADS with his rifle, and it seemed to be resolved by dropping the weapon and picking it back up without fists raised. As far as not being able to fire the weapon at all, that is most likely due to the condition of the weapon and ammunition. If a gun is ruined it will not function, and I'm not sure if you can even load ruined ammo anymore.
  8. Yeung-Jin


    I'm aware of that, I'm talking more about hand-to-hand combat in a situation where you don't already have a player subdued in some way.
  9. Yeung-Jin

    jammed pistol?

    nah, ruined ammo can be fired, and a ruined magazine can be used. Zedicologist is correct, the gun is ruined.
  10. Yeung-Jin

    Duo Blackrose's list of pistols

    Fellow gun aficionado here. I'm into handguns, revolvers in particular, and I do a good amount of competitive shooting. I think diversity in the .357 magnum category would be awesome, and I love the Mateba idea (even if they're rarer than a frenchman in a bubble bath). I own one of Emilio Ghisoni's guns and it's a gem. Do you do any comp shooting?
  11. Yeung-Jin

    Mic Problems

    Hey, I have a simple problem that I need some help with. Whenever I try to communicate with someone via direct comm, my voice comes across very quiet. I know about the range of direct, and my mic is crystal clear in skype. Can anybody help me out?
  12. Yeung-Jin

    Mic Problems

    For some reason when I test my mic in steam it only picks up my voice when I'm yelling into the mic, not sure what to do
  13. Yeung-Jin

    Mic Problems

    Thanks, I'll try that
  14. Name's Sam. I'm 21. Skype's Yeung-Jin. Live in New Orlean's baby. I've been playing pretty heavily for 3 months. I kill for fun. If that's not what you're into then I have to pass. I currently have a DMR, GPS, one NVG for me and one for whoever wants/needs one. I've been playing lone wolf because I'm the only nerd in my group of friends; having a group will be a nice change of pace. Looking forward to hearing from you. EDIT: I forgot to mention I've also got a tent with a few low tier military weapons and a Mountain Dew, if that matters at all (the Mountain Dew matters).
  15. But I swear every time I hear a clap of thunder in game I come pretty close to wreaking havoc on my undergarments. I love how much this game makes you value your life, and the immense rush you feel whenever you hear gunshots ringing. This game gets my heart pumping like no other game I've ever played. Anything make you jump out of your chair?
  16. I can only imagine! Thunder is scary enough as it is, coupled with the Location-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named would is like a perfect storm of terror. That would definitely chocolate my pants
  17. Yeung-Jin

    Finally, mountain dew!

    They're bad luck dewd. That's why I keep mine stashed away in my tent, I dewn't want to use it anyway. Even if it was dew or die I don't think I would be able dew it. They're dew rare.
  18. Same shit literally just happened to me. I spawned just outside of Elektro, and heard DMR fire from the sniper hill. I run into a warehouse find a hatchet, and hunt the sniper down and manage to sneak up on him and kill him. He had 2 NVGs, GPS, and 60 rounds of DMR. I've never had loot that good, and while I was looting him I thought I might have a heart attack. It was fucking exhilarating
  19. I have no idea what to do with this problem. It happens on any server I join, others can type and talk to me, but when I try to talk to others they can't hear me. When I try to type, it just comes out as a couple quotation marks spaced out, or as a few dots. It seems like I can type the letter "w" sometimes, but that hardly makes for thrilling dialogue.
  20. Yeung-Jin

    Weapon Suggestion Thread

    I would absolutely love to see some hunting handguns. The Taurus Raging Bull .454 Casull or one of those single shot bolt action pistols that fire rifle rounds.
  21. Yeung-Jin

    Craziest stuff you've done?

    Once I hid under my bed and pretended that I was a carrot
  22. It's funny that we're all healthy at 42C. If you had a temperature of 42C in real life, the proteins in your brain would start to render.
  23. Before I say anything I want to make it clear that I'm fully aware this is alpha. I personally don't like the current loot system at all. It makes the game too predictable for me; it's too easy to sprint through a town and hit all the spots where you know certain loot will be. I would rather see a system where loot spawn-points and type of loot generated is a bit more loose.
  24. Yeung-Jin

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you. Challenge accepted