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tater (DayZ)

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About tater (DayZ)

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  1. tater (DayZ)

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    I think Rocket's current signature wraps up this conversation nicely. See gif below of Rocket being shot by the type of person the OP was dealing with.
  2. Yep, has been night time on the last dozen US servers I have joined in the middle of the day today 6/25. Even one's that say GMT -6 in server title for example. I also had the issue described earlier where it would slowly change to night time but my buddy would still be in broad daylight. I would back out to the 1st server screen (not all the way out of server) and join again and it would be daylight. Then in next 30 minutes his screen would turn to night, then rinse and repeat. This was on Seattle 93 last Friday 6/22.
  3. tater (DayZ)

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    Well, seems like rocket is not exactly sure where he wants this mod to go (only my opinion, don't murder me). So he is adding some ingredients and stirring his concoction and seeing what happens. I for one am happy he is experimenting for better or worse. Lets just hope there is a solid game at the end of it all.
  4. tater (DayZ)

    Frustrated of DayZ? Play ArmA 2!

    Agreed, The most fun I have had in Arma 2 is playing around in the easy to use built in editor creating my own little scenarios. One can get lost in there. Cant wait for Arma 3.
  5. tater (DayZ)

    Anyone else using TrackIR?

    Yes, absolutely love it in this game. So useful to take a quick look around for zeds/bandits or to see how many zeds are chasing you. :P A little thing I do is I lean in toward the screen a little and then hit the "Center" key for trackIR and then lean back to normal distance to get a little wider than normal view of your surroundings. It also cuts down on your visibility by other players. If you just rotate your head (via TrackIR) your weapon and body are not moving at all, which cuts down on your excess body/gun movement that other scanning the area might pick up due to your entire body and gun rotating as you look around. True you can do this with the built in "rotate head" command but the TrackIR just becomes second nature after a while. Also you can change coarse while running with the mouse as well as being able to look around independently with TrackIR. This is something that cannot be done efficiently with the default "rotate head" command. I wouldn't want to live without it after having it for just over 2 months. However, I just wish every game that its use would help supported it. :s Mainly, any FPS other than ones built on the ARMA engine currently do not support it. So if you buy it for this you probably wont use if for much else unless you are a Sim kind of gamer, then it is a huge plus to have.
  6. tater (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This. I' date=' as many others suggested this many weeks ago, but it did not get any attention from the devs, nor the forum users. Actually, now that i think about it, i think it was quite close to this when the arma: oa patch came that made nights darker. Again, would love to hear thoughts from the devs. [/quote'] I missed that conversation. Glad to see others were talking about it though. How about it devs?
  7. tater (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    A tough dilemma to overcome. Unless he can (not sure) limit how high the Gamma can go (maybe similar to how he set the grass to always be visible, even if you set "Terrain detail" to "Very Low") I see him having to make it closer to your second image where everyone can at least see like a really bright full moon lit night. That would keep things balanced at least. Not nearly as scary and dreadful when you can see everything though. On second thought he might be able to lock everyone to the "Normal" HDR setting which is what currently turns on magic night vision (for me at least). Even with Gamma to max with HDR on "Normal" it is still pretty much pitch black terrain. At least it is this way on my GTX 570. Not sure about other cards.
  8. tater (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Take a look in the mirror my man. You will be looking at an "Alpha Tester" if you do. New stuff, hot off the press. I am sure he has some other testers behind the scenes but he is looking for constructive feedback from all of us. I was on the brink of dehydration when i loaded this fix and now I have a belly full of soda.
  9. tater (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Patch Looks good so far, I just found hatchet next to some food and water!. Zombie went down really easy and it didn't alert other zombies. A short video of Hatchet Melee. I like this a lot. Keep it up Rocket and company.
  10. tater (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Cant wait to hack away at some zombies. A machete would be a fine addition in the future as well.