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Everything posted by kraut

  1. Another little punk bites the dust. We were flying through Cherno and start taking fire from one of the sniping towers, we make 4 passes on the building, and the guy disconnects each time. Finally we decide to hover and wait for him to login, you can see him appear from the lobby just after the video starts and we kill the bastard.
  2. kraut

    Combat Logger Killed by Chopper

    Yes this was legit on an Official Hive server. We are not admins, and this is the only vehicle we have (not like we need a car when we have a chopper).
  3. wow you described my exact kit. No thanks, I'll keep them, I found them, they are mine. My Precious.
  4. The sad and short-lived story of my first chopper >:( Back to the armory I go...
  5. kraut

    How to lose a chopper

    Not exactly what I mean't, just mean that is is supposed to be realistic, which is why I usually play 3p off servers. More immersive
  6. kraut

    How to lose a chopper

    First person is the only way to fly, this is ArmA 3p shouldn't be allowed at all.
  7. kraut

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    I have 2 Mountain Dews on a 40 Day old character, so no, not unlucky.
  8. kraut

    How to lose a chopper

    Yeah the most embarrassing part for me is that I was flying with an X52 pro stick and trackIR, I geuss I'm just not quite the pilot I thought I was yet...
  9. kraut

    How to lose a chopper

    Yeah BI's programmers took the whole "trees vs aircraft" thing a bit more seriously than say, DICE. <_<
  10. kraut

    How to lose a chopper

    Yeah I fly other sims, even Take on Helicopters (same engine), skills (or lack thereof) just didn't carry over like I thought they would.
  11. Ban this Goliath/wodahskcin fuck and remove the server
  12. kraut

    is this normal?

    You stole some ones. And that gear is not very good...
  13. Lost mine in the patch, have searched for hours and haven't found another... <_<
  14. LoL The player killing is fine, the goal is to survive, for me, its easier to kill you and take your gear than find my own, that is realistic. If you don't happen to have any gear I need, then oh well, still get another notch on my .50 Quit your bitching, or leave, it doesn't sound like you belong in ArmA anyway... Also, the skins were already addressed by rocket It is not realistic that a bandit would single themselves out by wearing special gear. You wouldn't wear a Nazi uniform in Israel would you?
  15. Like I said, maybe you should learn how to play ArmA before you play a mod for it, it is how YOU are using the inventory that's causing it, I have never had this happen, because I know how the inventory works.
  16. Its not a bug, its ArmA, learn to play.
  17. kraut

    Dallas 37 -

    I think I found what happened to all of us.... http://www.twitch.tv/barnyyy/b/322183667 that is exactly how I died at the same time as everyone else
  18. kraut

    Dallas 37 -

    Hey ark guys, me and Falken were in this server (Dal 37) with you this morning, we saw 2 other people die the same instant as you 2 and just laughed, and wondered what the hell happened. About 5 minutes later, on a hill above Electro, I find a guy and approach him, he fires an automatic RPG and kills me, and then attempts, to fire "homing" rpgs at Falken, who was over a kilometer away in the forest and should have been 100% undetected. Did you notice explosion effects when you died? I wonder if something similar happened to you guys.
  19. kraut

    [Forum] DayZMod.com Hates Opera

    lol Opera. You poor, poor souls. I feel almost as bad for you as I do for some of my clients that are forced to still use IE6 Chrome people.... Chrome...
  20. w/e you say, you carebear
  21. Yeah I always have a Map open on my 2nd monitor, once you start to learn the map, it's easier to get to where you are going quickly and find them