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Shorty (DayZ)

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About Shorty (DayZ)

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  1. Shorty (DayZ)

    Am I a bad person?

    I kill on sight. No feeling, No regrets, Only extra beans.
  2. Shorty (DayZ)

    Anyone In Cherno?

    im throwing my money at it and it wont take it D:
  3. Shorty (DayZ)

    I thought I was a nice person...

    At least you apologized hahahaha. +1
  4. Shorty (DayZ)

    Sounds Range While Shooting?

    I really Hope it is, Or im going to have to change up how I play majorly.
  5. So with the most recent patch ( it seems the distance zombies can hear shots is a extreme. For Example, I Was in one of the Cherno Factory/whorehouse towers I fired 1 Makarov shot at a zombie near the top. I hear a few zombies yelling out side, No big deal right? Well I look outside of the window over Cherno"s main street, And What I see shocked me, Just hordes and hordes of zombies from everywhere running in the the factory! This just amazed me they all run up the tower and kill me. End of that guy. And Another example using M9 SD, Inside a building made 2 other zombies aggressive. End of that guy as I was instally K/DED and nomed to death heh. What on earth am I missing, Or Is this working as intended. Doing it wrong and loving it tho heh :3 adds some super burtelness.
  6. Shorty (DayZ)

    Got some big ol' Bags

    I was expecting something else. LOL Im talking about how when you loot you have 10-20 glitched hatch/crowbars in your bags magically.
  7. Shorty (DayZ)

    Got some big ol' Bags

    To carry all those crowbars and hatches :P
  8. Shorty (DayZ)

    Dcing issues.

    For some reason, after installing everything today (No reason caused by DZ) I d/c From every server I play on, Normally within 10-20 mins. It is extremely frustrating and I have never had this issue before any tips/fixes Iv Check my internet and router/mot. all seems well on that part.
  9. Shorty (DayZ)

    Up North

    Is the north where you folks live, it seems every time I get up in the high regions I get sniped Out of no where! On any server D:
  10. Shorty (DayZ)

    Help Confused

    I got it up and running thanks folks!
  11. Shorty (DayZ)

    Help Confused

    All right thanks guys. Im just going to make a file and place them all in there. :D Steam is just really annoying with the beta patch and stuff.
  12. Shorty (DayZ)

    Help Confused

    Sigh this is killing me, Do I need to download all the files and then unzip them in to my Dayz folder?>
  13. Shorty (DayZ)

    Help Confused

    I have Been playing threw the beta client because I couldn't get it working on steam, I see is out i have no idea how to get it D:
  14. Shorty (DayZ)

    Got the MOD today. So far so eh.

    Thanks for Info I understand its alpha Ill keep on playing tho :3 to fun.