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About Terrorcookie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. They can't really lecture me if i let them live lol. To kill newly spawned is just a waste of ammo imo, if you have a gun it usually means youve been alive longer then 10 which means you got maybe some food or drink which means death.
  2. Well seeing as people play, i turned from survivor into a "Btch i'll fuck you up as soon as i see you.". Just like the douche from 5min ago, i spawned got into elektro and got sniped even though i didnt have a weapon. Now other then that dude, aslong one does not have a weapon i will not kill, all others will be shot unless asked if friendly but noone does that so theyre dead.
  3. Did anyone notice the increase of sound from the flies ? If im anywhere near a dead body i get pretty overwhelmed by the sound and cant hear footsteps or shots even clearly. And yes its a bit over the top maybe but still, i cant hear any footsteps.