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Harry Hood

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Everything posted by Harry Hood

  1. Harry Hood

    Cherno Church

    Figures. Was Jesse on?
  2. Harry Hood

    No Message Received

    I was able to log in and play the last few days but since yesterday whenever I try to log in I get to the server screen where it shows the current players on and the receiving data bar starts to go across the screen but then a yellow chain link pops up for a little while then it turns red and at the bottom left of the screen it says No Message Received and I am unable to get any further. Any Ideas on what is causing this?
  3. Harry Hood

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Everyone that's complaining about in game shit like having no gun, enjoy it, there's a bunch of us out here that can't even log into the game since 1.7.1 Everything ran fine in 1.7 then I updated using sixshooter today now I have all sorts of problems logging in.
  4. Harry Hood

    Constantly kicked

    Everything worked fine for me till this latest patch now I get an unable to connect to the remote server message when I try to connect using sixshooter.
  5. Harry Hood


    Just be happy you're able to log in any play. Many of us are having problems just getting into the game with this latest patch.