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Everything posted by BloodPhoenix

  1. It looks like every vehicle on the map was just teleported to one spot, ours included, with every one of our guys still inside the fucking thing, and then we got shot by bandits.
  2. BloodPhoenix

    My car exploded

    We just kinda poked a fence and it went boom. I've heard of this happening before, and I'm not entirely furious with this, but my actual question is, can I somehow repair it again? I can't enter it anymore, but I can still interact with it to make repairs, so is there something specific I have to do to make it enter-able again to figure out exactly what needs repairs?
  3. Dunno if this happened to more of the users, pretty sure it was server wiped though. Actually, just checked, we lost both tents and our tractor.
  4. He's absolutely right. Make it a living hell. Make out lives hard. This game is now for the deathmatchers looking to suckle on a teet, this game is for those trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. +1 and amen.
  5. BloodPhoenix

    Light after killing people

    No. Apparently that was to short, so NO.
  6. BloodPhoenix

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I've been wanting to suggest something like this for awhile, definite +1
  7. BloodPhoenix

    Give Tents/Vehicles Inventory Space Counters

    +1, don't care if there's already another thread, this needs to happen.
  8. BloodPhoenix

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Yes. Plane. Do.
  9. BloodPhoenix

    Ghillie suits as a reward for survival

    I love how this thread quickly spiraled from the suit, to Gandalf's spelling. Anyway, I think they're fine as is. If people are running around with them, it's cause they were lucky, or have been alive awhile. My mate and I were goin for about 2 weeks and we only found one. Mind, we didn't go to the Airfield or Starry that often, but those are risky places.
  10. BloodPhoenix

    Backpacks change

    Agreed with Demon, simply because Dr. Who joke. I think I do see why it is larger though. The Czetch is larger, but the Alice has a lot more pockets, and pockets do add a lot of space.
  11. BloodPhoenix

    Addition of Horror Elements

    So much yes. I also saw a post about thick fog being added recently on the forum, and I REALLY want to see that added with this.
  12. BloodPhoenix

    A solution to disconnecting players under fire

    I kinda agree with Metal. Besides, I like to be able to switch servers with my mates when our main one is down. It tends to be late on the updates, so with this, we couldn't really play when it goes down. You know, unless we restarted on a new server that had updated... which would be annoying... as fuck...
  13. BloodPhoenix

    New item: Blindfold. Does what you think it does.

    I like the idea of using them on others, but as the OP pointed out, that's not what he meant. In response to this, I ask, why in hell would you EVER want to put on a blindfold and stumble around in the zombie apocalypse completely blind? And if there's some demented reason one would want to do so, I can imagine they'd just close their eyes.
  14. BloodPhoenix

    Night Time navigation with group- Pack Lights

    I like the idea, but you can kind of already do that with the chem lights, they just kind of getin in the way of your first person view.
  15. BloodPhoenix

    Attaching flashlight to weapons?

    I've seen a lot of threads like this, but I still think it needs to be put in.
  16. BloodPhoenix

    Packs of... gum...

    Logical argument. +1
  17. BloodPhoenix

    Heavy mist.

  18. BloodPhoenix

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    I was actually just running through a forest tonight trying to get back to my buddy, and some bastards with NVG's shot me. And this is beyond the normal KOS that we run into, in which people think, "shoot! He might kill us!" It was so dark, that they were invisible to me, so the only reason they shot was for the loot, of which I had a fairly basic amount. And to all those who may ask, no, I was not holding a flare like a jackass, I had no lighting at all, and bang.
  19. BloodPhoenix

    Scariest experience in DAYZ? SHARE!

    My scariest moment was in Berezihno. I'm with a mate and we're outside one of the southern side apartment buildings, heading toward the football field, when we hear someone pop a soda inside the apartment and we just freeze. We know we can take him, but we're full of stuff and if either of us dies, we know we have to leave it, so we're scared as fuck. Then we see the guys gun come out the door, he looks our way, doesn't see my buddy prone in the grass (thank god for the ghillie suit) and turns away, I come around the corner then and fill the dude with holes with my AKM. He gets one shot off and hits me in the leg, but I survived.
  20. BloodPhoenix

    My car exploded

    Oh no, the car was fine in every way. It just kinda bumped the fence, zoomed in on us inside and BOOM. Somehow I lived though. Anyway, honestly, it's frame looked capable of being used again, so I tried a bunch of stuff, but good to know none of it worked XD Thanks all
  21. BloodPhoenix

    Experienced DayZ US Player looking to group.

    I run a small group, if you're looking to join, I'll add you on Skype, and I can give you the details then. We tend to play between 1 AM and 4 AM, but the others are around during the day too.