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About macPSU

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    On the Coast

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  1. macPSU

    Fix the loading bug!!!

    Stupid question, but the servers you're attempting to join are using the same beta patch and mod files that you're using, correct? The only time I get the loading bug is when I accidentally pick a server running a previous beta patch or version of the mod.
  2. macPSU

    Ultimate Solution to Hackers

    In other news, Joe_Blow's days as a server host are nearing an end.
  3. Here's some more info: A bullet is the projectile fired from a round. A round (also called a cartridge) packages a bullet, case, powder, and primer. A clip is a device that holds multiple rounds together in one unit. A clip can be inserted into a magazine for ease of loading. A magazine feeds the weapon itself and can contain either a clip or individually-loaded rounds. You could load rounds into a clip outside of the magazine, then place the clip inside the magazine where the rounds are then fed into the gun's chamber.
  4. My buddy and I play on the same network. We both manually updated with the files and beta patch 94945, and we were both unable able to join any of the pertinent servers. Each of us were stuck at the "Wait for Host" screen indefinitely, after trying numerous / 94945 servers. We then reverted to patch 94876 and my friend was able to log in to servers and play the game without any problems, while I was getting a "You were kicked off the game" message while trying to join every / 94876 server. I tried reinstalling ARMA II and CO along with the mod files and beta patch, and still had the kicked from server issue. I then uninstalled ARMA and CO again, deleted the registry keys this time, and reinstalled everything a second time and I'm back up and running in DayZ, right where I left off (same spawn, same items, etc.). Not sure if this has anything to do with the most recent updates or if it was just a coincidence that a file got corrupted while I updated the files and patch, but I figured I'd throw it in here anyway.
  5. macPSU

    Sorry Mate (100% mean it)

    I've been in that position one time, where I logged in on the top floor of a fire house, directly behind someone. I immediately quit the server and joined a new one, so as to avoid one of us having all of our progress ruined by my spawn. It wouldn't have given me any pleasure to take him out that way, and I certainly wasn't taking my chances with hoping he would be a friendly.
  6. macPSU

    Where am I????

    Like others have said, head Southeast. For how long? Who knows. My buddy and I were both at Devil's Castle last weekend. The next time we spawned we were both surrounded by hills, nowhere near one another. We each headed Southeast and my buddy made it to the forest in about 20 minutes. It took my character a little over 2 hours. Neither of us have played since then so I have no idea if we ended up near one another.
  7. I spent two hours searching multiple towns and forests for food and/or animals with a buddy, and we came up completely empty. We each had plenty of drinks on us, and all supplies necessary to live off the land, yet there were no animals to be found. Well, there was one rabbit that disappeared after we chased it for a few meters, so that was disappointing. We ended up with blinking red food/drink statuses, losing blood quickly, until my buddy was gunned down by a bandit and I was unable to fend off zombies through my increasingly blurry screen. What a shitty way to die.