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About EvilNickolas

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  1. And what do you suggest as a solution for ppl who alt-f4, or end process.. i play with 2 ppl who have it as a marco key, and can 'end process' at a moments notice.. apparently in most cases they loose like 10-50 seconds progress, and reconnect 100m or so backtracked to before they were shot.
  2. EvilNickolas

    New 'Tool-belt' slot mechanics.

    While im at it tho, i agree that the hatchet in its current state is OP.. i think the accuracy should be lowered and a few swings should drastically raise your heart rate to compensate.. so currently it might not be suitable as a quick slot weapon.. Going off what you say rocket said, as to why the hatchet is a primary.. that leads me to believe that he originally intended it to be secondary. I guess we will see how that ends up..
  3. EvilNickolas

    New 'Tool-belt' slot mechanics.

    Sure i get what your saying. So when you 'Use' your binoculars, you put your weapon away and draw the binoculars similar to a weapon (because internally, binoculars are a weapon.. i tested this myself and i was able to put binoc's in the secondary slot, and a pistol in the binoc slot and it still worked with only few weird errors that i didn't bother with ) so my intention was to have the slot available for items/tools that have to be 'drawn' to be used (ie: you put away your weapon, and pull the equipped item out.. like when you use binocs). So, if knife was available as a melee weapon, you could put it in the binoc slot, and draw it with 'B' I only use the hatchet as an example because its what we have now, plus i suspect there will be a beta patch from BI that will help with the current anim hiccups.. As you can imagine, this would open up a lot of possibilities and add some freedom to the current inventory system.. And i see it as a possible solution to the 'no starting weapon' argument.. knives are everywhere, killing a zombie with one wouldn't be ideal, but its something. In my last post i mentioned i did some poking around and doing the slot swapping isnt difficult.. Here are my defines for the weapon slots. #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1 // primary weapons #define WeaponSlotHandGun 2 // HandGun #define WeaponSlotSecondary 4 // secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotHandGunItem 16 // HandGun magazines #define WeaponSlotItem 256 // items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096 // binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 #define WeaponSlotInventory 131072 // inventory items after a little code on the side, i simply swap them around.. as for the animations, you can probably guess that's a different story.
  4. EvilNickolas

    Disconnecting to avoid Death proposal

    Bad from both a gameplay (metagame as stated above) and a development point of view (over stated system that is of little use) Edit: mod beat me to it.
  5. EvilNickolas

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    its always "survivors = butt hurt" and "bandits = mentally unstable" isn't it... there isnt a real goal to this game, so no one is winning, just surviving...
  6. EvilNickolas

    [Splint] Second option to fix your broken leg.

    good idea... but, doing it while having a broken leg wouldnt make sense. serriously, go outside a chop down a tree while in the prone position..
  7. EvilNickolas

    Player Revival

    wouldn't this make groups all powerful... they can 'CLEAR' entire towns and leave nothing with even less risk.. not to mention bandits would take more risks, making organized bandit clans way OP ..this may or may not happen but its the first thing that popped into my mind
  8. EvilNickolas

    Six Launcher Quick match options

    im pretty sure SIX has its own forum, being third party and all.. so posting that here isnt really helpful.
  9. EvilNickolas

    PvP balance/punishment suggestion

    but you cant change these players.. even if you add team building.. they will just enjoy kill 2-3 at a time instead of just 1.. in IRL these people would just get to kill once or twice, then the collective would catch up with them and end the spree, serving as a reminder that if you kill you will get killed.. in dayz, they just respawn and continue.. so leaving this behavior intact isnt realism at all.. the problem is, is that this game is something completely new and different.. but they still want to pretend its COD, when what they should be playing is COD
  10. EvilNickolas

    PvP balance/punishment suggestion

    ^^^ I 100% agree with the above ^^
  11. EvilNickolas

    PvP balance/punishment suggestion

    My suggestion is when a player is 'murdered' 50-75% of the gear vanishes.. therefore if you want someones gear you have to rob them, and fear of death serves as motivation to co-operate. ability to knock out you victum would make this more viable too. Also, because only 'murders' cause gear to vanish and 'bandit kills' dont. bandits then become more desperate not to get into a robbery situation, because its likely they would just be shot (ie: bandit heartbeat detection) Add alot more dynamic to the game without enforcing a handy cap. Also keep in mind that rocket hates in game indicators that tell a player how to feel.. ie: sanity.. he would rather you go insane, then tell you that you are..
  12. EvilNickolas

    Things DAYZ Desparately needs

    Begone! Back to the depths of the internet with you!!!!!
  13. EvilNickolas

    Insight from a brand new player.

    well im not having a dig at the guy, its just this is more general discussion materiel, not new a feature suggestion.. there are many more threads exactly like this one, and he should have put his 2 cents there.. In retrospect i agree with the guy, and i know what he is getting at.. Suggestions just isnt the place for it.
  14. EvilNickolas

    server time shown, in server browser

    cant be done without changing ARMA's code.. pretty sure the server browser is an un-moddable part of the engine.. and the change would effect all servers not just DayZ servers, keep that in mind
  15. EvilNickolas

    New extremely Rare weapon: m107 SD sniper?

    we need less military weapons, not more.. not to mention a silent sniper Bad suggestion..