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Everything posted by TheTigger

  1. TheTigger

    Weapon and Equipment Degradation

    Maybe some day an idea from this could be implemented
  2. TheTigger

    Do you not spawn with a weapon anymore?

    You have to go find one!
  3. TheTigger

    Motivation for being a bandit?

    I murder for the adrenline rush! Its so addicting, its unlike any other game!
  4. Nice find!! I wish I could get lucky and have one of my victims have NVG.
  5. TheTigger

    My favourite bandits!

    Ill stick with killing on sight, nothing personal to anyone its just that my groups lives, and my own life is worth more to us than another person that crosses our path.
  6. TheTigger

    is the luck about to run out...

    Hes most likely exaggerating or definately duped all that... But tanktastic remember its game so have fun! If you like being a bandit, then by all means go for it. Theres nothing wrong with it, I shoot anyone I see thats not on teamspeak with me. I usually dont need their gear but I love the adrenline rush you get from being in a firefight, or even better setting up a perfect ambush on someone. I personally think being in a group is more fun to the game, so i would advise you to definately look into finding a group
  7. I still remember my first kill...... Good times!
  8. TheTigger

    I..I just killed someone.

    That made my day:cool:
  9. TheTigger

    Hunting Knife - The silent killer.

    I think it would make a great melee weapon, I wish we could have a melee weapon slot
  10. TheTigger

    Slow Zombies in a large mass

    Once I get aggro I run to the nearest building to ether make the undead lose line of sight or to kill them.
  11. TheTigger

    Anyone else died like this? :S

    That sucks ha
  12. TheTigger

    Tent City + satchels = this

    Satchels are in dayz?? They are just really rare, If im not mistaken they spawn at the NWAF.
  13. TheTigger


    I popped a round or two in him with my Mak to knock him out' date=' then ran before the zombies came. :p [/quote'] Ehhh that works too:D
  14. TheTigger

    Worst Bandit Ever?

    Some guys arent cut out to be bandits
  15. TheTigger

    First human killed turned out to be 2.

    I love the adrenline rushes you get it in a firefight! Its like no other game, but nice find man and good job!
  16. TheTigger


    I would have broken his legs and then walked off.. Much better than killing him instantly
  17. Feel free to share the nvg's with me
  18. TheTigger

    Absolute Epic Heist FAIL!!!

    I learned my lesson, never ride with milkman!
  19. TheTigger

    Absolute Epic Heist FAIL!!!

    Mr ADD Sniper here... I must say that I was not knocked unconsious with the first fireball. I had 900 blood after I bandaged my self, I ran over to Medieval who appeared to bleeding out from where the sun does not shine. I gave him an epi pen, and as soon as I did that the ATV exploded again and I happened to die this time. I had -4 blood, only if I would have ate my can of sardines I would still be alive.