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Everything posted by TheTigger

  1. If you want it go get it, in your case you wanted a gun so you must kill for it
  2. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    But lets not forget that milkman is a popular name in that server, cause i have seen a player called milkman in the game even after he was banned. I also have seen a player called "tigger" so just to inform you guys my in game name is Thetigger incase you plan to keep playing under false names to get false evidence. I mean if you are going to do that, atleast make it look right for petes sake.
  3. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    @mack Im sorry for your camp getting raided but that was not our group that did that to you. Still blowing up tents is not a bannable offense, and still I have not experienced any sudden death on server 913. I did experience it on us 128 unfornuately, it sucks but oh well its alpha. We too had firefights with his camp, we lost too unfornuately but the three members that died in the firefight were banned, and then milkman was banned even though he was not even present for the firefight. We were actually looking forward for the prospect of being in firefights like every night with this group of players/admins. I guess they would rather just shoot goats all day instead of having some fun killing other players.
  4. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    This is worse than i first thought...
  5. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    @Graz Goodluck trying to get any evidence, because obiviously they are too busy with their lifes to do so.
  6. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Seriously?? You need some help...
  7. TheTigger

    Watches. Too many watches.

    I have a store that buys and sells new/used watches for the best prices. It will beat any price you will find at a retail store. My store is located across from Joes Bar and grill in Chernogorsk.
  8. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    You could have shorten that up by just saying.. "Im seven years old and my mommy swears alot."
  9. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Str8: In all honestly I wish you would man up,and admit you made a mistake about banning players without any legitimate proof.
  10. TheTigger

    If Helicopters are coming back ...

    Nah give the guys who find the helicopter a distinct advantage over the hoarders.
  11. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Blowing up the tents is fun though, but you cant ban someone because they raid your base. Its part of the game.
  12. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    I will admit yes you killed our group at our camp. Good job, it was a fun firefight. But how is that a ban able offense? Please tell me how that makes sense!
  13. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Nice contradiction of yourself.. But I do believe its your responsibility has a server admin to go through the trouble of producing proof if you are going to go through the trouble of banning players. If you are too lazy and stupid to find the proof then dont ban people in the first place. Also I thought you were suppose to find proof first and have it on hand incase of incident like this before you ban players? or do you think you are some deity and above the law? I honestly just dont understand your logic here.. And please keep responding to this thread because each reply you make is proof that this is server abuse so please just keep the wine, because we also have plenty of cheeze. B)
  14. TheTigger

    Sniped by a winchester...

    The winchester is a great starting weapon before you find the better higher teir military weapons.
  15. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Yes please bring forth your proof of evidence. If you bring forth any evidence of any member of my group hacking or cheating then I will shut up and apologize but you cant I will be awaiting for an apology coming from you.
  16. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Well Str8Dumpn, I warned you that I would be coming back to your camp today.. And I just wanted to thank you personally, StrDumpn for the 4 NVGS, 2 range fingers, M16 ACOG,M4 SD, ammo for these guns, medical supplies, a much needed camping tent for our new base, satchel charge, and a coyote pack. I am truly sorry about the FN Fal NV scope, but it just wasnt a good fit so I left it on the ground. Also I swear the satchel charges, they were truly an accident!!! I did not mean to blow up your tents....again after dumping anything good on the ground. It was an accident!
  17. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Dont worry milk, he will just ban anyone near his camp
  18. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Oh nice this is making my day right now. This is quite comical. Is it possible for us to be able to see the logs and see what proof you have of us d/c in a firefight? I love being in firefights along with my friends, its what makes this game fun. Why would we d/c from the most fun thing in this game?
  19. Even for me that was a little harsh... I would have killed as soon as he gave me the gun.
  20. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Thats what you think :)
  21. TheTigger

    banned from us 913

    Admins like this just ruin the game, and give it a horrible name. If rocket cares about his mod( which he most certainly does) then he should address not just the admin of 913, but all of the corrupt admins. Its no fun to gather a lot of items and then be banned from ever touching those items again just because of admin is a douchebag, excuse my french. I play with milkman,chicago, and nightmare but I am not banned yet because I was not at camp when all the events occured tonight. My point of view may seemed biased but I honestly just cant think of any reason of why we 3 people would be banned all in the same night after a encounter with the admins base. Seems more than just a coincidence to me. Also Is it legal to move through the debug zone and then fire from within the debug zone and kill players that are within the map? I just want this to be clarified for any future raids or tactics. But I must say thats its total BS to ban players after a firefight with them. This game is all about having fun, so why ruin it for other players?? Just because we steamrolled your tents with a tractor? Or because we satcheled it to hell? Well anyway, If im not banned from 913 tomorrow, I can gurantee you I will be hitting your base and destroying everything I see. I will take everything out of the tents and then blow your tents up. You better have a sniper or someone watching your tents all day if you want to keep all your precious gear. Or you guys could just take the easy way out and ban me now before I destroy your base. Its up to you.
  22. TheTigger

    You just had to rob me...

    Umm theres apartment buildings in electro???
  23. This game gives me too much of an adrenline rush to just quit durning a firefight.