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About VortexianZzz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. VortexianZzz

    91491 / 365

    Ohh man it's just 29 hours per man!
  2. Some problems, 1) morphine at resp needed. 2) Zeds movement inside buildings 3) Disconnect timeout.
  3. VortexianZzz

    Zombies are crying!

    Poor zombie walk for hours looking for food. And then they finally see a survivor, and run him out of the last of infection forces, they cornered man and prepare to feast! And then the food out from the server! How so? It's not fair. Speaking on behalf of all of infected, I want to enter the disconnect timeout (quite) equal to 15 seconds, for the purpose of time to quench a little hunger as a reward for running around. Thank you all for your attention. Not only for the purposes of PVP but also for the zombies do it, too.
  4. This feature has more PRO's. Nice! But disconnect timeout needed.