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Everything posted by Gman_Snipah

  1. Gman_Snipah

    Bug List(all that I know about)

    Sheds that are too high to walk into- Always is the shed with 3 doors(2 that are opiste each other and 1 that goes into a workbench), only way to get in is double vaulting into them making your legs clip through the floor. Dropping things on floors sometimes makes the item vanish - Sometimes it is teleported out side, sometimes you can relog to see it and sometimes it is just completely gone! "you have been dayz'd". Compass sometimes not showing in "vicinity" or "ground" while looting- Like the crossbow you have to look at it, sometimes in 1st person to pick it up Vaulting/ Jumping sometimes toggles crouch- While sprinting near a fence you double tap V(vault) and it stops you then makes you crouch.
  2. Gman_Snipah

    Bug List(all that I know about)

    Doors after reset/time look closed- But when you interact with them it shows close door- open door then it opens. Crossbows hard to/ can't pick up - Crossbows are hard to pickup, looking right at it and can't ineract_pickup, sometimes you need to go 1st person and look at the trigger to pick it up then sometimes its is impossible Feet going through floors- ankles not visable in some stone floor factory buildings( tested in cherno and electro and some random places) Aming down iron sights on all weapons- Some times loking up and down while in iron sights are jaggy/ like you are shaking with no cold or pain. if you switch to a pistol or a melee weapon it sometimes fixes it, other times you have to relog. Ak rail handgaurd - Sometimes does not allow you to attach a rail when on a AKM sometimes there is no problem (tried with pristine worn damaged, all results random). when it does not work sometimes painting the whole weapon fixes it. tried new ui too Offroader - Sometimes unable to get in vehicle even if it looks like its fine no damage, tried taking all attachments out and putting them back in each one trying to get back in. Throwing - Sometimes pressing G(throw) wether you hold it down for a long time or not, it places the item behind you, tried with heavy(wheels) and light items (flare, grenade), also tried moving to another area and it still happens. relofgging seems to fix this, cannot determine what causes this bug/ recreate it as it is random. Star of life wodden stairs/ other outside building stairs sprain ankles/ break legs- Running into stairs for the star of life (Izurvive term for the blue medic buildings) or some other stairs that are attached to shallow buildings with stairs sometimes sprains your annkle or breaks your legs, hard to replicate, tried same angle,runing, jogging, walking, prone, crouched. Few sheds un assessable- there is more but for example in pavlovo (town south of zelenegorsk + near small military base) there is a dirt road on the east with a shed facing into a fence, the door is always open and it is unassailable, also on the road to Vybor from Pustoshka there is another with the door facing into a fence and the door heading out into the road. might need a new rule/ flip em. That is all i can remember for the moment, by all means move this thread or w/e i only put it here because the feedback tracker is down. If the devs need some screenshots i can grab some on request. hope this helps!
  3. Gman_Snipah

    Bug List(all that I know about)

    So apparently i wasn't signed in. Fantastic