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[DGN] Johnny

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About [DGN] Johnny

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    [DGN] Johnny

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    Gaming Interests are Star Citizen, Day Z, Civ V, and BF4. Put the majority of my hours on Star Citizen and DayZ that said ^.^

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  1. [DGN] Johnny

    I am rapidly warming up

    Hyper only increases your dehydration rate. Have never heard of anyone getting killed by it. In fact, I've personally ran with it last patch for over a few hours by stacking items that have high heat values, and with proper hydration, have had no further negative effects. Big tips for staying out of Hyper. Stay wet (not needed, but helps). Don't sprint everywhere (it's bad for your sight picture anyways). Stay away from TTSKO and Camo Facemasks (Oddly Balaclavas don't seem to be as soul crushing). And worst comes to worst, stay hydrated.
  2. [DGN] Johnny

    VSS vs M4 supressed with acog

    Supposedly this was patched last night, the zigzagging that is.
  3. [DGN] Johnny

    #DayZ Logic

    - Nail a guy in the chest with a Mosin. Watch that dude run a sub 12 minute two mile afterwards. (Cripple Effects are planned for development from what I've heard) - Servers not having a minimum graphic settings requirement, either static or adjustable makes a large portion of the game concept orientated more than stratagem in practice. Translation? Low graphic can often remove all plant life, leaves, and even entire forests. It can make buildings see through (this may be a 1PP bug, or a building type bug and not necessarily a graphic setting issue), and fail to render the color of clothing while rendering the model, showing players as giant white blobs sometimes from 500M all the way to 25M. (It's Alpha. =p )
  4. Chickens are obviously the hardest item to find in .60.
  5. [DGN] Johnny

    VSS vs M4 supressed with acog

    I'm going to go with VSS. All of the above science absolutely leans towards the M4 being superior but... It currently has the reported bug of despawning your gear when logged on your character. In these rough times for gear and whatnot. That's a pretty steep cost.
  6. [DGN] Johnny

    Can we skin and eat Zeds soon please?

    2+2= "That's Racist"
  7. [DGN] Johnny

    Can we skin and eat Zeds soon please?

    Common Core.
  8. [DGN] Johnny

    More realistic weapon magazine reloading

    Makes sense. Should toss it in the suggestion section.
  9. [DGN] Johnny

    All alone?

    Stay on the southern or western side of the map, and below NW Airfield. Your southern leg and Miskino leg are both likely areas on a well populated server.
  10. [DGN] Johnny

    Premium Autoconnect-Tool for Exp 0.60

    This deserves to be stickied and locked. Seriously, best damn post ever. LMAO
  11. [DGN] Johnny

    A Request

    1. Try DayZUnderground or The Civ. Both servers have a really great track record of keeping hackers and duplicators at bay. Really great experience. 2. Killing people through walls isn't necessarily a product of hacking or cheating. Objects do have penetration values, meaning different bullets pass through different materials depending on the materials type and thickness, and the bullets caliber and speed.
  12. [DGN] Johnny

    Fighting back

    One military geared player is with worth more than a dozen fresh spawns in time investment alone. That said, most military geared players are not nearly that successful in their lifespan. Even on the coast.
  13. [DGN] Johnny

    Player stats shouldn't show players killed

  14. [DGN] Johnny

    Player stats shouldn't show players killed

    I've often wondered if one day this game would be in-depth enough to warrant books that offer cookies and relevant information. To include the lore of Chenarus, the events of the apocalypse, and even survivor diaries. This could go further into tidbits about understanding survivor craft. A book for example in the hospital that has a chart of blood types. We could even take it further and allow survivors to craft "scrap books" by tearing out pages in different books they run across. Slowly building their own reference manuals. It could also be a method to allow MVPs to leave their marks on games they love and have helped foster, much like the Developer Cookies we have now. Players that have contributed hugely to the DayZ community like Wobo, JamJar, etc. Just seems like a cool concept. ^.^
  15. [DGN] Johnny

    Is DayZ a disappointment?

    That's exactly it. DayZ is like one of those luxury condos people in my town buy based solely on the location, the floor plan and other marketing materials. Then the construction gets delayed by months. Eventually they let you move in, even though it's not finished. And each month they keep going on about the pool and the fitness center and all the other fantastic amenities, even though the hot water and electrical don't work. I hope you find a more positive outlook. That state of mind dosent sound terribly fun or productive.