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About dfpboy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dfpboy


    I suggest that u guys add a fishing pole and or fishing ability. like u find a fishing pole on a boat and can catch fish and cook them like you would with meat. hope u read this it would be awesome if u added it .
  2. that dick spelt my name wrong its dfpboy not dpfboy
  3. My group and I are looking to add a few more people. We currently have five people are looking to add a few more. We are not bandits, but we are not afraid to defend ourselves if we feel threatened. If you want to join these are the requirements: 1. You must have a mic 2. You must be able to get regularly. 3. You must have steam. Add dpfboy or pr0pe11erhead on steam if you want to join. We are currently online Btw
  4. im also with a buddy out by the airfield we are both equipped with well enough to kill a buncha shit we play almost everyday mainly at night cause of work. we just also added a 3rd person to our group. hes kinda annoying tho. but hit me up on steam Steam name is Dfpboy
  5. dfpboy

    would like some help

    message me on steam name is dfpboy
  6. My buddie and i are always playing. we use tactics stealth and share and take care of each other If ur interested add me on steam u must have a mic for comunication purpose Steam name dfpboy
  7. dfpboy

    New Player looking for a group!

    Hey man i tryed to add u to steam couldent find u add me dfpboy and we can talk Do u have a mic? also im with another person so theres too of us looking for a 3rd person
  8. dfpboy

    Kicked for SCRIPT 16

    where at ? im rolling it back to 701 is that good ? and thanks for the reply
  9. every server i join i play for a bout 1 to 2 mins and then Battle eye kicks me for script 16. ive been trying for 2 hrs now and getting sick of this. I would like to know how to fix it and what the hell it is. i already uninstalled @dayz and re installed it and it still dosent work. please HELP ME SOS