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About getkraken

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  1. getkraken

    Looking for a mentor....

    It's fun until it becomes frustrating so I can see why he'd seek someone to point him in the right direction.
  2. getkraken


    I always run with my gaming buddy, we're thick as thieves when it comes to video games so we run in a two man squad and pick up friends here and there but we're always watching each other's backs mostly. he has another friend that has come in and we all work as a trio when he gets online but its mostly just the duo. If you're on a lot we could try and expand the squad if you're willing to work to an end-goal. As of now we're gathering car parts to get one up and going.
  3. getkraken

    Noob Lesson of the Day.

    When I did stream it was never an issue for me and I usually peaked around 50 viewers. People generally tended to help and want to run in groups but then you did always have one of THOSE guys.
  4. getkraken

    1 Year Comeback Thoughts

    I definitely see what you are saying here. When I first had the game I had a steady 200 FPS on my GTX760, which I'm STILL rocking though I might need an upgrade here soon since with all of these new patches I'm coasting between 80-100 depending on the area. I do notice one thing though and I know it's because I need more RAM, but it does seem to randomly stutter a lot. I'll catch a spot when I'm running in the woods and I drop to maybe 10fps and it gets super jumpy and I just have to stop the controls and let it sit in for about 10 seconds and then I'm good to go. I do miss Balota as well. A lot used to go down in the NWA and in Balota and people were normally not KOS in Cherno and Elektro. Now it almost feels like the opposite. I can walk through an airfield almost no issues but if I so much as look at Cherno the wrong way, I'm catching an SVD round to the chest. On my first outing I figured as a fresh spawn I would be able to at least go into town and get some food without being harassed, which I quickly realized was a mistake when I turned a corner and got jumped by two guys with shovels. I don't know if this is supposed to be in the game or not but I ran across a rather large weapons cache inside barrels, which were inside tents. Is this something new? Or should this sort of content be reported for a public server? Edit: I have since gone back to that spot where those tents were located and noticed that none of the items have respawned and it seems I just happened to run across someones stash pile. I was unaware that tents and barrels keep the gear with persistance on, though I haven't read into it much to see.
  5. I've been playing this game since around .32(when I first started) and when I first started I loved it and it was a little buggy here and there and you randomly died walking through the map, but whatever. I loved the concept and stuck with it for a while. For all of 2015 I did not get to play as I was living in the country with no reliable internet to play on so coming back has been a bit of a culture shock. There's no M4?! What is a veteran to do? Oh, well, when in Rome pick up an AK. I did attempt to pick up the game sometime around the patch .42 and it was almost unbearable due to lag and zombies walking straight through walls and hitting you upstairs while on the first floor. I love the changes made so far! The SVD? Glorious weapon. Plate carrier armor? Nice! More gear loaded out, less ammo and more weapon systems. I honestly can say the changes made have made me happy and I'm now addicted again. The only thing I am yet to do is get a car running which will be my project this week. For any of the old(er) players here, what changes have they made that you didn't like and what have they taken out that you would like to be put back in?