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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. From Ingame "BattlEye Client: Random fact: Over 10,000 cheaters have been globally banned so far. BattlEye innovations is aware of the current excessive hacking problem and working hard with the game developers to provide effective solutions soon. Thanks for your patience."
  2. I just have to say that zombies walking through and attacking through objects have never been worse, for me they now attack through walls, roofs, floors and pretty much anything, and 50% of the time they also teleport through the thing that they are attacking through, so the only way to not be glitched to death is to stay away from all walls. I had fun until I noticed how bad it was and then I stopped playing.
  3. http://memegenerator...sapproving-Dean I improvised :P Really nice devblog, it was interesting.
  4. BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo My favorite ArmA 2 gun :lol:
  5. Um, my name is Martin Hjerpe. I have switched to MartinDeep in most places though because English people can't pronounce my last name, They read it as Herpes <_< , Deep is because I often think a step further than other people and I'm not so shallow. I've tried Deep Thought as a reference to hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (my picture) but people are perverted and always read that as Deep Throat so it wasn't a good idea.
  6. So I tried to pitch a tent yesterday for the first time in 1.7.3, I put all the stuff I wanted to save in it, clicked "save old camping tent" and then went to bed. Today when I got in again the tent is 100% empty. Are they still broken or am I doing it wrong?
  7. Turns out the tent does actually work, but I still don't think someone found and took all my stuff the first time, either something went wrong or... I have no idea. It just seems very very unlikely. Edit: now my car i suddenly empty, someone is defiantly messing with me, but how can they take all of that, where the hell do they put it? I'm actually starting to believe your theory about admin abuse or something, this is really strange, I have no idea what's going on :/
  8. Ye right... I'll just put something else in it before server restart and watch it disappear again, then I'll be 100% sure
  9. With all the stuff I had in there it is highly unlikely that anyone took all of that, even all the empty cans and crap. I also have a car next to it, fully fixed and with alot of stuff in that too, the car however was not touched. Let's just say I'm 99,9% sure that no one even found the tent.
  10. That is how I think too, someone please go ahead and prove me wrong, if you can. This is just making me more and more confused. I'm not going to accept something without proof, I've made that mistake before.
  11. Go back to school, learn the laws of physics. Golfballs do rise but they don't gain velocity. Your aggression shows that you are afraid to admit that you are wrong.
  12. under 15 is unplayable, 15-20 is bad, 20-30 is ok, 30+ is good.
  13. I had a bunch of stuff and weapons on me and was running around the airfield, suddenly while standing still it said I had a broken bone but I could still walk, after a while i figured out that I couldn't abort, my combat timer was gone and I couldn't use any items in my inventory. I suspected hackers so i esc -> alt+f4 and waited for the server to clear up a bit, now when I joined again I spawned at the beach with nothing in my inventory, wearing my camo suit, this is so fun... I love the game but I can't even play one full life without getting interrupted by a hacker or whatever it is... I'm not even going to bother being upset, I'm just disappointed.
  14. I logged in on the hill of veresnik, went afk for a short while I brushed my teeth, and then when I came back and started moving I hear someone saying: "-Nice view you got here" and I was like WTF O.O, who was that, and then he said: "-Don't worry I wont kill you". There was a guy right behind me who had put his gun down on the ground a few meters away so I wouldn't shoot him when I noticed, a pretty smart thing to do(He probably dared to do it because I have hero outfit). We talked for a little while and he asked me if there was anything I needed. I told him I had about everything and then jokingly added "-Except, like nightvision but you probably don't have that". Turns out he had a spare pair of goggles and he actually gave them to me, I was quite surprised, he also offered me a bike he had but I didn't take it. So then we said goodbye and I headed of to Vybor to look for a camo/ghille suit. I checked a few buildings and in the office building I found something to top off my luck. right next to each other by the main entrance there was a ghille suit, a camo suit and in the middle, a mountain dew (too good to be true). While walking through the rest of the town I had a rabbit following me(creepy as fuck), standing in doorways and just staring at me and running in and out of every building I entered, It even followed me out of the town and Into the nearest forest where I logged out, every time I stopped the rabbit stopped in front of me, turned around and just sat there staring at me. The point of the story was that I have never been this lucky within half an hour, I can't belive I got everything I needed + nightvision in such a short time. Also, dat rabbit, weird ^_^
  15. I approve of this suggestion, I never do that though, always log out when I'm all safe, that's how you're suppose to do it.
  16. He didn't, it was... "2 Barracks AND a Hospital?" + Industrial spawns + Petrol tanks + Walls
  17. Uploaded 2 pictures, Just look at that rabbit.
  18. That actually sounds really reasonable. The guy who I met suggested I go to Vybor and look when I said I was searching for suits, maybe he beat me there, put the things in the building he knew I would check, turned himself into a rabbit and just trolled me... wow, I never thought about that. However, if that's true it must have been an extremely awesome hacker, It might just actually make sense. Well, I'll never know will I? :P Edit: the rabbits movements were a little unpredictable from time to time and when he walked through the doors in the supermarket they automatically opened or closed just as if it was a zombie. I don't know how the rabbit AI works so I don't know, what do you think? I feel mindfucked. Edit 2: An other detail I could mention is that the 3 items were not in the same lootpile even though they were so close to each other.
  19. Thanks, don't forget the camo suit ;). I always run around with ghille suit, camo suit and civilian clothing if I have them. I tend to use camo suit when just running around on fields and in the woods, ghille suit when I stalk someone and civilian clothing (hero outfit) in towns. Also yes, I'ts very nice to see friendly people, not many of them around. I usually find bandits around every corner. I was quite suspicious that he would shoot me in the back when I let my guard down but it turned out fine :P
  20. DayZ UI game option does not change anything, hud is always default.
  21. The internet is a sad place unfortunately, If people disagree they will call you an idiot and what not... discussions are not possible. anyways... Imagine if thermal vision, night vision and gamma hack didn't exist in this game, if everyone had to use flashlights, flares and what not every now and then, sounds like a more fun experience to me. But Dayz is pretty fun either way.