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Everything posted by martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

  1. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Change your video memory to very high or something and then back to default, works great for me and other people.
  2. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    What type of Communication is most common?

  3. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Where does the sun set and rise?

    The whole server got teleported to debug forest and now I'm trying to get back, If someone can just tell me where the sun sets and rises then I can find my way out. I don't have a compass.
  4. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Where does the sun set and rise?

    Thank you, much appreciated ;) EDIT: Arrived at south west corner of the map, turns out the sun set in north-west.
  5. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Great, entered my server and 1 minute later the whole server got teleported to debug forest at the same location, I managed to log out before shit got real but now I can't get back to the map until :(. I'm not gonna respawn because I found a M4A3 CCO... damn hackers :/
  6. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Well, as we wrote, these people we were talking about were "Dead", I got 1+ murder in stats so he wasn't dying anymore, and his body instantly disappeared.
  7. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    So the body of a dead player disappears when he disconnect? I call bullshit.
  8. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Same here, killed 1 player so far and his body disappeared insantly.
  9. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I would really like to know what the visual value means, is measured in meters or something, or is it just a random value? - Also, when picking a hatchet up with no primary weapon equipped, it gets placed in the toolbelt. When you do have a primary weapon equipped however it replaced the primary weapon in that slot instead, slightly annoying.
  10. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    That's just how ArmA 2 works, deal with it.
  11. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I think the difference between audibility on grass and main tarmac roads is a little too exaggerated, but that might just be me.
  12. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    It's easy as kindergarden to find a gun, just run in and out of every building until you find one and then, you don't even have to sneak, you can just shoot the zombies when you find one. But of course it depends on what server you play on, since loot respawn works like never and if your server doesn't restart on a regular basis then you're gonna have a problem.
  13. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!

    The reason why everyone shoots on sight is because there is no reward what so ever for not killing another player. If you kill a player you get their loot, set him back to start and make sure he doesn't take your loot. It would be nice to give players a reason not to shoot other players, right now there is no reason, if you don't kill him he will kill you later, that's how it is. I haven't met a player who didn't want to shoot me in several weeks.
  14. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

  15. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    -Make wires easier to remove, if a wires two center poles are inside a wall the wire is impossible to remove.
  16. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    - fix so that loot from dog houses doesn't spawn up in the air with it is impossible to reach.
  17. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    -Make it easier to take steelbolts of dead enemies -Fix so that your backpack doesn't disappear into the ground when you take an other one
  18. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Please fix hearing flies where a dead player body used to be but is long gone.
  19. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    1st Experience: NW Airfield

    well, since they are all server switching like that only to kill people you can't really blame survivors for server switching not to get killed.
  20. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Audibility Feedback: While crouched (grass example): With sidearm: sneaking = 1 sound bar | walking = 1 sound bar With primary weapon: sneaking = 0 sound bars | walking = 2 sound bars I suggest making them both the same instead because I am constantly switching between primary and sidearm because of this, it gets rather annoying. I suggest with both: sneaking = 0 sound bars | walking = 1 sound bar
  21. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

    Yea, the latest patches makes stealth useless, you can just sprint from house to house and hide, it's really not fun at all.
  22. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

    I gave up with playing seriously this patch, It's pretty much impossible to avoid zombies so I just run around aggroing everyone and then try to find a player to troll with the horde. Game isn't fun anymore.
  23. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

    The noice you make is extremely incresed I see, I get detected by zombies 50 meters away while crouch walking, is it suppose to be like this? This is not fun what so ever :/ Felt like the game went from medium to EXTREME difficulty, this ruined the game totally for me. I had survived for pretty damn long but 15 minutes with this patch and I was dead.
  24. martin_hjerpe@hotmail.com

    Is it possible to trust?

    I'm having fun with the flashlight you now spawn with, if I meet a player in the wild I blink at him 3 times with the flashlight(and then keep it off) if he gives the same signal back i go ahead and assume he is friendly, if he does not signal back he is hostile. If they just shine at me with flashlight I salute as a friendly gesture. Also if you manage to sneak up on a player speak with him through direct communication, if he doesn not respond with something friendly then he's probably hostile. A good way to show that you are friendly is to not aim straight at the player with a gun but still show that you are aware of his presence. Although if he already has a gun out you should be cautious.