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Everything posted by RiKShaw

  1. It also works with DMR <---> m24 ammo Any ammo that can be changed.
  2. RiKShaw

    First Player Kill

    A player thinks before shooting. A survivor shoots on sight. You did the right thing by shooting him, the wrong thing by not shooting his buddy. All he had to do was find 1 clip on the ground and all your progress was gone. The time for talk was over because you'd already shot his friend, he wanted you dead. If someone has a primary, they will shoot you. If you want your morals then remember, A dead player thinks before shooting. A survivor shoots on sight but it is a bandit that goes looking for blood. If you dont look for blood then its not banditry, its safety and survival.
  3. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    I suggest there be a new item which is quite simply a coil of rope. It has the same spawn rate as Camping tents but only spawns in barns/agricultural spawn locations. Naturally, it sits in the toolbelt. Toolbelt: Allows you to pull vehicles.. Very very slowly but surely. This is so when you are driving a vehicle on low fuel and you run out in the middle of the road, you can pull the vehicle to the treeline to hide it. Allows you to hogtie unconscious players. When hogtied, a players view is almost like being prone and the unconscious meter still empties but when emptied the player still cannot move. Hogtied players would be able to have their gear looted as if they were dead. They would still be able to be dragged, or perhaps carried. After 5 min (The time can be changed. Please tell me what you think) the hogtied player gains the ability to "struggle free" by pressing the action key. Doing so would free them from the rope and they would be able to stand up, similar to regaining consciousness. Any player may "Retie bonds" to reset the 5 min timer or "Untie Bonds" to let the player free. Allows you to bind players. Binding is like hogtying in the way that it disables a player but only their hands are bound. They may still walk, run, step over everything. They may not manage their inventory but they can view it and view loot on the ground, just not pick it up. Players get the ability to struggle free after 10 min of being bound. Unlike hogtying, you may bind players from any position. Bound players may be hogtied at any time, regardless of stance. Binding takes the same amount of time as combining mags, taking painkillers, eating, etc. Your player is a competant military officer and they are able to tie someone up fast. Rope up an animal. Roping an animal would loop the rope around the animal and cause it to follow the player that roped it. There is no particular reason for this but there are lots of possibilites that could be implemented later like procreating animals, hiding an animal until you may gut it or even using a cow as cover. It opens up a lot of possibilities. If you have any feedback, criticism (of the constructive kind) or further ideas, please comment.
  4. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    So, how does this get considered for the game?
  5. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    Woops. Had to fix the line which said it could be equipped in the pistol slot.
  6. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    As I just learnt about in my game design class, if you provide the user with a small amount of actions its limiting the variety. A large amount of actions means a large user interface. A contextual menu limits freedom. The best way is to have one action, many uses. This means that while you can include handcuffs, they would be able to only handcuff things, which means an entirely new object for one purpose, whereas here we are just adding one functionality to an object that already exists (kinda).
  7. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    Perhaps it should spawn same rate as clothing (so, double camo/ghillie suits spawn rate) but still only in agricultural spawns.
  8. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    Well, my email notification caught your original message I do thank you for picking up my spelling I dont tend to type hogtied often. Just... dont be so gruff... Anyhow thats precisely the thing. I've thought of 1 (and a bit) ways to use rope but its such a versatile item that it can expand the game so much.
  9. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    I added the functionality to bind players instead of hogtying them as well. This way I can't be sniping, then suddenly be tied up. I'd still be able to run away from them.
  10. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    I think its a tad too bland without the lasso... anyone agree?
  11. RiKShaw

    Making new profiles and new lives

    It'd be lovely but no. Doesn't work. Tell your friends and family to buy their own copy of the game. I take one character, get them a DMR, sit them on top of Cherno tower and log off. I get another character. Get them another sniper rifle or at least some type of meaningful gun and log off in the orange brick building in Elecktro One more character I sit in the hills over Stary with a sniper rifle that I could get, because I have infinite time to do so. There. Now anytime I am killed anywhere near anything useful to loot outside NWAF, I just calmly log off that character, swap to my new one and in 30 secs MAX, I am a very big threat to you. What this means is that when you kill people you will never be safe. Ever. It'd be nice to leave my high loot character at camp while I send my fresh spawn into cherno for basic supplies, but I can't have it because scumbags like myself exist. Sorry, its DayZ you're playing here.
  12. If you read, he never said you could spawn at either one of those locations. Yes, if we get a huge amount of people wanting to spawn in Prio then yes, maybe some bandits will set up there, so then everyone will stop spawning there wont they?
  13. RiKShaw

    Browser get rid of Gamespy....

    Gamespy has served me well enough. Moreso than the current server system on DayZ
  14. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    I updated the OP. Removing the lasso entirely and simplifying it.
  15. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    Precisely! Half the time I die, I'd gladly trade my stuff (some of it) for my life. EG: My friends are all in Elecktro on another server. I spawn there, find a AK 74 and get shot with a Lee Enfield. If he had been able to tie me up, he'd have taken my AK, left me the Lee Enfield and I'd have happily changed server so I can meet with my friends. This will mean that people can kill for their gear, without killing them!
  16. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    Almost every session now, I see a time where I would have really liked this to be included.
  17. RiKShaw

    Banditry exploded

    As one of the players that shoot unarmed players, I do so out of safety. What you dont know is there's a lee enfield on the floor above me, so you're not going to be an unarmed player for long, and once you get your hands on that, you will shoot me. I can't allow that. BAM.
  18. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    I'd love to see some non violent stuff come from this. Like maybe a stun rifle and a police car (can put in hogtied players to lock them up temporarily).
  19. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    I can see a grappling hook killing players and breaking their legs from falling...
  20. 11:04 pm Australian time I logged on to NZ 6 and was not on for long when I was suddenly teleported somewhere in Chernarus with a road (I was only alive for seconds) I was then gunned down and killed and there seemed to be a lot of other people in the same boat as me.
  21. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    Ribano, if they're tying people up for hours then they're also wasting their time. And yes, if you want to keep a prisoner thats what you have to do if you're going to go trap them in wire. Its a dick move but they aren't killing them. And you'd aim for the legs if you want a prisoner. Also, even if you can't retie, whats to stop people from waiting till they break out, pointing a gun at them, saying "Get down" and then retying them? This also negates any 10 min max timer. If you've been captured once, you've got no guns and no hope of running away if they're standing there. If they can't tighten your bonds then they will just incap you and rehogtie you again. Animals may resist more IRL but they dont react to gunshots so these arent the smarted barn animals. I think they'd come easily enough to have it as a cool idea. Not useful but cool. PS: M9 SD is a peashooter and thats a statement about the M9 more than it is about player health.
  22. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    True they would. The best part about the rope is that there is a non-death way to deal with a player. When I find a player, I have to kill them because its just too dangerous to allow them near the lee enfield thats nearby. If I could rope them then it'd give me a 5 min window to escape/loot. The moment you're trying to kill them it is just inefficient. Then again though there will be people who will DC while being tied up. Even with the next patch wherein it takes them 30 secs to DC, you're not going to have time to loot them. Do you think that hogtied players (or players that are being hogtied) should have their body tied to the server? As in, instead of the 30 second logout, you have a 5 min logout if you're hogtied? And yes, I realise not consuming the item isnt that bad. And without the lasso, you could still move up to an animal and "Rope animal". I'll update the OP when I have time.
  23. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    One of my other friends suggested the ability to hang people... Or set up a trap which causes a player to be hung upside down for 2-5 min
  24. RiKShaw

    Simply, Rope

    Alright lemme help clear it up. Its a toolbelt item. Just like the hatchet or the flashlight however you can "Remove from toolbelt" and then you can use it like a weapon and lasso If you hogtie someone it uses up your rope. You no longer have it in your inventory. If you want the rope back you have to release the person. I was just trying to say what happens if you de equip the rope whilst you have someone roped. But thats a good point its confusing. The main point of that paragraph is to say that you can "Drop rope" to keep the animal still or to equip a pistol, yet keep a player roped without hogtying him. Ok being able to rope someone thats prone would be useful but we'll see about the lassoing. Also, you need to retie up a player because otherwise you only have a 5 min window of them being tied. Essentially you are just tightening up the knots so that they can't slip the knot and get out.