Hello everyone, I am one of the Admins over at BloodRed Community [bRC] We have a few servers up, like Chernarus Vanilla, Overpoch, and a coming soon - Hardcore chernarus vanilla, We also have a NEW server that was just released to the public, Taviana Overpoch. Server is fairly new and contains glitches like any new servers!. Although, We also have a Altis Life server in Arma 3 and a Arma 3 Exile server coming soon! All admins/mods have [bRC] in their name! We also have a website you can visit if you want to know more about us! www.bloodredcommunity.com Here you can see our staff, look through our forums, check out our point store and chat with others! Hope to see you all soon! Please come join in our teamstpeak - ts3.Bloodredcommunity.com to learn a little more about these servers. Servers and IP (DayZLauncher) Chernarus Vanilla Chernarus Overpoch Taviana Overpoch Arma 3 Altis Life Thank you everyone for your time! Have a great day! - [bRC] iiRoNiC_Death