I cant be the only one who is playing on 30+ man servers all the time and feeling like the place is a ghost town, my last session lasted 6 hours on a full server, during which time I didnt see a single player and my character only died at the end of the 6 hours by a single gun shot, no warning no hint of danger and in a really odd place as well. My sessions are going this way more and more, the worst was the life before that one I just lost and it lasted between 19 and 24 hours with those hours spread over 3 days each with solid play all put in on full or near full servers and I still didn't see a single soul, that guy died through zombie attack I got gliched in a door way and couldnt move while the zed was able to kill me.. The game feels dead, and we all know its not, there are 39 other people on this server and unless they happen to be friends and playing in a small group the player interaction is terrible. If you bring back Side chat voice only, and allow server admins to toggle it on or off then those of us like me who want it can get it and those who preffer feeling like thier playing single player can still do so.