I had my first shot of this yesterday, spawned in (no idea where) and it was night. Ran along the road for a bit and found some junk in cars, then saw a big abandoned ship. Spent half an hour running about that in the dark and realised I had a flare which helped a little. Got some junk out of there, also a rifle but no ammo. I then ran along to a nearby town, stlil no idea where I was. Looted this for a while and was getting some gear, still no ammo. Managed to find a water pump and also had managed to fend off starvation. I then found a bus so jumped i that to take it for a spin, but it was going really slowly. Jumped out and saw who I thought must have been the previous owner, hit / to say hi. *bang* "you are dead" All in all a semi enjoyable, but tragic first experience.