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Everything posted by HamHamm

  1. So First of all my friend suggested I pick this mod up and try it as he has been having a blast with it! So after tinkering around, and missing a new patch (patch updates 10 minutes after I download 1.7.1.) Get on finally and see no gun. all I have are bandages and pain pills. Okay cool that just means I have to find them. Well first time through, I get over to a building after much running, and get swarmed by zombies and die before I get close to it at all. Alright, Fine. So I wasn't being stealthy enough. got it, Re-spawn Now I'm sort of near a town and I move in semi crouched and am dodging a good number of zombies, trying to meet up with my friend. Check a few places, most I find is empty bottles and cans. after a few empty stashes I run into another player and get shot at immediately and Die. Okay cool, players instantly think everyone is bad, even when they have no gun. Got it, Re-spawn. I then go through about 10 deaths of me looking around for ANYTHING and finding absolutely nothing anywhere I look and either getting killed by Hordes of zombies or people just killing me. I'm all for the whole hardcore vibe it gives off, but at least give us some sort of defense early on. as it is right now there's no way for a new player to get a feel for the actual "survival" part of the game. My suggestion is up the drop rate of some weapons near the coastal buildings, or start off with a gun and maybe only 1 clip of ammo.
  2. I was running around during the night with a glow stick and a crowbar and wading my way through zombies, it was awesome!!
  3. HamHamm

    How I survived PITCH BLACK NIGHTS

    My Friends and I were able to find and fix a car shortly before the night happened. and then once it grew dark we went pillaging all the things and almost died a few times. It was awesome!!!
  4. About 12 hours of play here, lots of dieing (new player), and one successfuly venture to a northern town. Not once found: A weapon that wasn't surrounded by zombies; any food; any ware or way to get water. Broken much? I think so.
  5. Okay so now an update. I just went all the way north to Berezino in the north. Started in Solnichny and moved east to Dolina, then north to the factory and then to southern edge of Berezino. That entire trip I did not find ANYTHING other than empty cans, empty bottles, and other trash, I've checked basically every building that was highlighted on the map on dayzmap.info and still didn't find crap. Did they remove item spawns too? because this is ridiculous. I was able to dodge countless zombies and finally got killed in Berezino. Is this fun? running around with nothing to defend yourself for hours on end. Am I doing something wrong? is this odd to not find anything for that long of a search? I don't know. It seems wrong to me.
  6. I have now been able to dodge zombies by Running around a corner and almost immediately stop moving and crouch. I'm at least getting a bit further now, by taking it super slow, but my opinion still stands, difficulty way to high right at the beginning and it could just be that the people who frequent the forums tend to be the more hard core people, so they would be the ones to have noticed the "poll" for the no starting gun change, where as anyone who doesn't frequent the forum would never have known. (Also, sorry on double post but these forums seem to handle them well)
  7. NO The barrier of entry is placed to high for new players, causing most to turn away after not getting the hang of it after 20+ deaths.
  8. Yeah, I've been trying to be pretty stealthy, staying crouched all the time, going slow. I appreciate the hints on the line of sight thing. I'm still going to be bashing my head against this for a while and hopefully it'll turn out alright, mostly this was a frustration post helping me take a breather! But I do still think the weapons, all be it crappy ones, need to spawn a bit more in the starting coastal areas. just keep the ammo drop rate low. I just want to be able to shot a couple things if need be!