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Everything posted by Warrez

  1. Warrez

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    does the protection remain if you/i change into ghillie suit?
  2. we have blacklist actually lol.. about whitelist i dont know... and when u see something like "player was kicked by battleye "restricted script"" then he was kicked by trying to execute blacklisted script
  3. Warrez

    Wipe the hive please.

    u do realize that dayz got from 100k unigue players to like 500k unigue players within a month or so right?... if it can be popular that fast... it can do it again (not saying that it will do but if it already did once.. you cannot deny the possibilities for a second one right?)
  4. Warrez

    Wipe the hive please.

    just wait for standalone? i think i read it somewhere that, once the standalone comes out... everyone gona start as a "Fresh spawn"
  5. no lol.. just pointing out that mistake can happens.... how about lets say the kind of mistake that they accidently made it so that Battleye automatically bans people who uses lets say Logitech G15 keyboard (it reads program's memories) and lets say that over 2000 ppl HAVE/HAD G15 and now they are all banned because of that "one mistake" and now dont come and argue about they are always checking and rechecking and other things... or about how unlikely it is and blah blah... i just sait it as an example... my point is that.. people make mistakes.. even if they take a lot of measurements to ensure that those kinds of mistakes doesn't happens but in the end it's impossible to "never" make mistake... because otherwise we would never learn anything...
  6. err.... i dont want to get into this argue about if it is legit ban or false-positive... but u do realize that battleye or well "battleye team" are consist of human beings working together... and human beings CAN AND WILL make mistake time to time..... so u/me/we shouldnt "believe" everything that is being told/shown to us.... because even the most intelligent human on earth can and will make mistake sometimes
  7. Warrez

    Heli crash sites?

    errr just so u guys know... if i'm not entirely incorrect... the helicopter crash site DOES NOT respawn loot.. it's there and spawn loot ONCE and that's it... i know this because i found quite a few.. and took my loot and run like 800m away.. log off 1 - 2 hours later i log in and wait maybe like 20 mins to see if someone saw it (camp for looters) and i go take a look at the loot again.. which i've never found it to respawn or change the loots
  8. lol just a side topic somewhat related to this... shouldn't canned goods also satisfy ur thirst for a bit? i've noticed this but A LOT of canned goods has liquid in them, sure its not water, sure it isnt a lot... but considering the situation (survival) i'd bet that i'd still drink it and so shouldn't it "heal" the thirst for a bit?
  9. Warrez

    People don't wanna kill zombies?

    in my opinion... after 1.7.x.x patches... it made people needing to kill zombies... before that i could just sneak all i want and get all the gears from coast and run into inland for even better gear... ive got ghillie and DMR with 0 zombies killed... which is abit WTF... but at the moment i got 127 zombies kill lol and not even good loot... the agro range is just too big to avoid them right now.. unless you want to start crawling from 150m-200m away...
  10. Warrez

    killer patch hitted DayZ.

    hmmm... well if ur facing zombies headon that might be the case... but if you run into the building lets say "A Entry" and wait for zombies to follow u INTO the building and exit from "B Entry" and go somewhere to prone... you've pretty much lost ALL of them(1.7.x.x made it possible to lose zombie's agro + zombie cannot hear/see through walls)... did this many time when i was raiding cherno alone..
  11. 1x Makarov 1x Makarov's mag (it is just way too cruel to take all weapons away.. 1 mag is already cruel enough... 1x Bandage 1x Water bottle thats it.. those are everything u need to survive 3 hours or 3 - 6 zombies which in my opinion isn't too easy or too hard... at least not with the current aggro range