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Everything posted by KYO-Bam

  1. DayZNW Overpoch Server Looking for a Fresh Start? Look no further, DayZNW's first dedicated players are just getting started! Hurry and join them, fight for loot or team up against ai! How to find us: Search "DayZNW" In Launcher if you join servers manually: Server ModsSelf BBHeli Lift/TowSnap BuildPlot 4 LifeNo OverburdenSingle Stage Building24/7 DayDeploy Bike/MozzieMissions!Purchasable Jets (And your very own hangar!)* Items in red are *Coming soon* And much much more! Come check out one of the best overpoch servers!
  2. I spent quite awhile (3 days) trying to get DayZ to work with my steam installation of Arma 2. i went through 20+ topics on multiple sites on how to install it and none of them worked. So to help others save time (hopefully) this is how i got mine working. 1.1: Download Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead (OA) 1.2: Download any other Arma 2 expansion you may have 2.1: Launch Arma 2. Let it get to the menu. Exit. 2.2: Launch Arma 2 OA. Let it get to the menu. Exit. 2.3: Launch any other expansions. Let it get to the menu. Exit. 3: Download DayZ. (Steam version works but people state it is not as good as others. Can also get it from DayZ mod site. will have to look at forums as the link on homepage does not work. The newest version is usually a pinned topic under "Mod Announcements and info) 4: If you got DayZ anywhere other than Steam then make sure to the files in the Arma 2 OA directory. (On Steam C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead) 5: Copy all files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2\AddOns to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Common. Replace all files. (One topic i found stated to not replace these files and for my no buildings or loot would spawn because of it) 6.1: Set launch option in Steam by right clicking on game title, selecting properties, then choosing launch options. 6.2: Examples of launch options would be "-mod=@Dayz; -noFilePatching -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause -world=Chernarus" (without quotations) -- can see all launch options at "https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters" 7: Launch Arma 2 OA and select multiplayer. Servers should show up here now. (Will have to locate one that uses just vanilla DayZ unless you install other mods. I suggest using the filter and Search Vanilla. Most of these are normal DayZ with no other mods.)