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About mewle

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  1. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Much clearer than my abomination of a phone post
  2. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    I think from the dev blog they said "internally they hoped for late February" Whether that means a release to us mortals in late Feb or released to internal testers in late Feb is anyone's guess. But yeah, what is this.... Twitter?
  3. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    I got a ump with acog and an fnx with red dot sight up and running between a heli crash and stary sobor tents. Didn't even get to fire them before that DAMN GARAGE took my life. I was so chuffed to upgrade from my 9mm mp5 and glock setup to the comfort and confidence of .45acp has anyone got a hanky for these salty salty tears
  4. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Either that, or develop a virtual phobia and send someone else in.
  5. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Yep same type of shed here too
  6. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    I was wondering whether to report it on the tracker, as I have no hard info other than "this thing happened at this place".
  7. mewle

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Just a few shots from recent days... in the spoiler below
  8. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    So from my experience last night, I see running out of garages can be fatal. Did a few searches to find a discussion on this but I turned up none, so apologies if I've missed something obvious(still getting up to speed with the forums) I know stairs carry an inherent risk of injury deep in the code but this was exiting a garage whilst running in Vishnoye Do any of you know if this still a game wide issue, or is it an occurence that is tied to geometry of a particular place?
  9. mewle

    we need 180 vertical view angle

    Totally agree with this. Tried lighting up myshkino tents with a flare, but it totally overshot. The low angle meant in only lasted only a few seconds before hitting the ground. Make this gun/tool almost pointless unless you already know where your threats are and they're 150-250 metres away and can spot em quick sharp
  10. mewle

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Yeeeeeooooooouuuuuuu greedy bast lol. No wonder I can't find V3S wheels.
  11. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Server browser newui will be fixed in 0.60 if the tracker change log is accurate
  12. mewle

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I was on 0.59 stable last night, and a double tap from a glock in svetlojarsk docks was enough to bring the hoarde from all but the furthest parts of the town. that was the first time I felt actually at risk of dying mid fight with the infected.
  13. mewle

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    I had this with a hatchback. it had all wheels and a ruined battery. Nothing else. But it started up. I turned it off and got out and "I Had Died!" Respawned about 10 metres away with all gear. I've seen quite a lot of people mention this, and the relief of the fully geared respawn.
  14. mewle

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey guys, Been playing since just before Christmas, and I'm hooked. Can't wait to see the rest of development play out and hope it all works out right. Me and my brother have been military base looting for a couple of spawns but are now hitting that phase where we just want to hunt people who kill new spawns. Lol