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Everything posted by famousbull

  1. Hi Guys, :) First post here - hopefully you guys can help me get to the bottom of this mystery. I bought the Day Z SA back in Jan of this year (2015) and had an amazing time on it and the game ran smoothly apart from the obvious bugs here and there, but all in all it was fine. One day back in August I fired up Day Z after keeping my character a live for a long time with all the best gear and suddenly it just kept freezing. Everytime I would look around or move, the game would just completely freeze and if I waited long enough the game would exit to desktop and I would get an error message saying "The Instruction at 0x76ffd968 referenced memory at 0x00000000014. The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate the program." I reinstalled the game - it fixed the error message but It would still freeze every time I would take a step forward or look around. I didn't change anything to my PC at all so I don't get how it would randomly stop working? I have emailed Bohemia support and they tried to help me by suggesting launch perimeters and got me to send my dxdiag to them. Still no luck. So far I have tried: Reinstall x4 Validate Game Cache Changed my graphics card from 660TI 2GB to a 970 4GB Reinstall steam. Reinstall steam again to another hard drive. Any idea on what I can do guys? I haven't played since august and I am craving me some Day z time. No one has any IDea how to fix it. :( My Specs: Processor: Intel i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz Memory: 16GB RAM Direct X 11 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 So to sum it up, I have tried everything pretty much and I cannot play Day Z as it just crashes as soon as I walk around or look around, or even bring up the interaction menu. Look forward to hearing from you guys, Famousbull :beans:
  2. Hi Gambia, I have tried everything what you suggested today - still; no luck.. It is so weird man I honestly have no clue what it is. Ah, yes that makes sense; sorry. Yeah back when Day Z was running I would run everything on a mixture of normal/high with vsync off, shadows low. It was running fine then - that was with my old 660TI aswell. Since the problem I have set my resolution scale down 50% and turned everything on LOW, turned shadows off. literally it was the lowest you can set everything too ect. I was thinking it was an hardware problem which is why I bought a 970GTX. Could it be my processor which is bottle-necking my GFX card? Every other game runs fine but I do understand that Day Z SA is very heavy on the system due to it not being optimized so....... Maybe get a new processor? Again, I have EVERYTHING set to the lowest option with options which can be turned off completely, are. EDIT: If there was a way I could upload a video somehwere and show you, would this be helpful to you?
  3. Hi, Yes I have updated my drivers when I installed my new gfx card last week - i double checked my PC cables last week which were all fine. Could you elaborate on what an old dual core is? Sorry I'm not the biggest tech guy. The only thing left o can think of is what you said; defrag my hard drive. You think reinstalling Windows would work maybe? Or upgrading to Windows 10? I am on Windows 7 ATM. All my other games run perfect. I am running battlefield 4, battlefront on ultra at around a minimum of 70fps. No other game is giving me problems at all.