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About .Smitty.

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    New York

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  1. .Smitty.

    When did they break Archery ?

    They have added some sort of quiver into the game, I have never used it before but I have seen it many times.
  2. .Smitty.

    Where Is The New Engine At?

    Anyways.... going away from the topic of GSP prices... Rocket has said that the new Enfusion Engine is going to be released modularly​ over time.
  3. .Smitty.

    Fighting for a friend

    Excellent video man! That was some nice shooting from the flats :thumbsup:​
  4. .Smitty.

    Arma 2 Tents

    Yes, there are some static tents scattered around the map.
  5. .Smitty.

    how to get rid of messages on the crosshair

    Haha, nice one!OP, try pressing backspace.
  6. There is a jail building on top of the mountain.
  7. Could help people if they read this short thing I just made - https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/230987-current-military-areas/
  8. Military Bases - Base near Pavlovo - Base in Zelenogorsk - Base at Green Mountain - Base near Veresnik - Base at Bashnya - Base in Kamensk Military Facilities - Facilities at Chapaevsk - Facilities at Balota Airstrip - Facilities at International Airfield (NW Airfield) - Facilities at Turovo Military Camps - Camp just north of International Airfield (NW Airfield) - Camp near Myshkino Miscellaneous Military Areas - Evacuation Site at Stary Sobor - Military Convoy near Krasnoe - Infamous "Prison Island" just south of Balota I hope this helps you in your travels! :D​ - Smitty
  9. AK mags are tricky to find...
  10. .Smitty.

    Funny moments & snipe action (CZ)(EN)

    Excellent video man, I loved the music. Poor chicken...
  11. If you are using steam you can use steam's server browser. Just go to Steam then go to "view" then to "servers". Hope this helps.
  12. .Smitty.

    My Short FN FAL Life - 0.59 DayZ Standalone (Video)

    Nice video, I have yet to find the FN FAL but it looks like an awesome gun.
  13. .Smitty.

    Moment of Silence for Plate Carrier

    Sorry for your loss...
  14. .Smitty.

    where are netting?

    There is no visible difference between static and dynamic boats, however the static boats are part of the map and are always in the same location. Dynamic boats are in a different spot every server restart and that is where you can find netting. Netting is quite rare though, so it will probably you take a while to find some.