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    On the Coast

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Just thought I would share the worst of the bugs I have been encountering in DayZ. The first one is random teleporting of my character to an area I was in roughly 20 minutes ago (usually a building). Has happened 4-5 times over the last 4 days, about 15hrs game time. Last time this happed I was on my dirtbike and I just randomly spawn in the zeleno supermarket where I was earlier. All my inventory gear is the same, except I am here and my bike is on the ground wherever I was before. I can't even use vehicles now because of this. And next is the delay in picking up certain items, car parts and tools mainly. I will look at the item on the ground and scroll to go to gear, but the 'gear' option is not there. The only option I have is to pickup whatever it is, but upon doing this nothing happens, so naturally I spam the shit out of it. 5-10 min later I do the actions of picking something up and it pops into my inventory, and then when I go to put it down it duplicates however many times I spammed the pickup command. It's a pain in the ass more than anything and I think having some duped wheels in a vehicle got the entire stash of loot wiped, including all my legit non-duped stuff. Anyone else have problems like this?. Mainly the teleporting because with all the fortifications around I suspect people have been doing the duping with that gear.

    Is it possible to trust?

    Oh look someone else having a moan by wildly exaggerating the lack of loot, and having a wah when someone they could have avoided kills them. You need to change your ways man. Get a clue, some patience and some god damn balls.