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Everything posted by XzB3A57zX

  1. XzB3A57zX

    Way to punish bandits.

    If this were added there would have to be a way to differentiate between self defense and murder. I shouldn't be punished for killing someone who shoots at me or threatens me.
  2. 1. Random loadouts have already been suggested. Please use the search button and put your ideas there instead. 2. Any form of respawn penalty that has been suggested thus far will punish both people using exploits and regular players. If I get stuck in "the wilderness", am I supposed to wait for some other person to come kill me? No, I'd rather just respawn and not be punished.
  3. XzB3A57zX

    Thoughts and suggestions (WOT) ;)

    You spawn with a flashlight. Use it.
  4. XzB3A57zX

    I'm lost and confused.

    Easiest way to fix this is just suck it up and respawn. You can also walk for a few hours, I think to the east, and you'll be back in the map.
  5. XzB3A57zX

    Thoughts and suggestions (WOT) ;)

    Night/NVGs: Most players just avoid night servers until they are well equipped enough to survive, although nights are very dark. Footstep Investigation: Makes sense, it would be just like tin cans. Reviving: You would need a new item for this. No matter what medical knowledge you possess, you can't bring someone back to life with just a bandage or blood. It would also have to be extremely rare. Rare Zombies: Don't know how this would go, I guess it would be good if implemented correctly Weapon Mods: Some guns already have this stuff, but I don't see why you couldn't add it on, as long as the engine allow for that. Wiping Chars:
  6. XzB3A57zX

    How to solve the anonymous sociopath problem

    Only problem is that most bandits would have already killed you before you could see this, unless you get the jump on them.
  7. XzB3A57zX

    Friend keeps logging into my character

    The game uses a key located in your registry. When you installed your copy, it gave your friend's PC your CD key. I have no idea how to fix it, although I'm fairly certain a simple reinstall won't.
  8. XzB3A57zX

    Passed out after joining a server?

    Happens when you log out when you are in shock. Read more about it here: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Status_Effects
  9. XzB3A57zX

    Suggestion: The Zombies Have The Beans

    As long as I could find stuff on zombies that would make senses, like mags on military zombies and food or random crap on civilians I wouldn't mind this.
  10. XzB3A57zX

    Female zombies

    Secretly, they are already in the game. You probably have seen them. They took the female player model and made it into a zombie. You probably mistook it for a male. Don't blame yourself, it's a common mistake.
  11. XzB3A57zX


    Already suggested in multiple forms. http://dayzmod.com/forum/search.php?action=results&sid=e32be4a6c44f574b9e722bfe009c8eea&sortby=lastpost&order=desc Still a good idea, if implemented correctly.
  12. XzB3A57zX

    Not interior buildings ,can we change that ?

    Q4 2012. Assuming there are no delays.
  13. XzB3A57zX

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    That pretty much sums it up.
  14. XzB3A57zX

    Add Alcohol

  15. XzB3A57zX

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Better yet,
  16. Generally speaking, bandits have been reduced to a much smarter and cunning group than the old "durr hurr i see a guy BANG BANG BANG" without the pistol. People figured that since they had little to lose, anything you had was better than nothing. Now, I'm actually beginning to see some cooperation and trust between players. The update also put the emphasis back on zombies as opposed to bandits. The pistol being removed was a good change. I see why you want it back, but it being removed was a good thing.
  17. The real difference is the drop in audibility levels, albeit a very slight change.
  18. XzB3A57zX

    Weapon Safety Switch

    As someone who plays on a laptop with a touchpad that has the "touch to click" feature this would be helpful when I don't feel like using my wireless mouse.
  19. XzB3A57zX

    Add a "Find a Friend" section.

    There is already a thread for this somewhere.
  20. There is a perk to teaming up with another player: There are two of you. Distrust is irrelevant, you still have a second gun, melee weapon, or body in the way of zombies and bandits. The incentive is there. It's just most people are so paranoid they KOS or sprint away.
  21. XzB3A57zX

    [] Crouch Volume

    I agree. Zombies were easy to sneak past in 1.7 and since the 1.7.1 patch it seems noise and sight levels have risen from 1.7 for everything except prone.
  22. It would probably help if you posted your system specs. No matter how much you lower your settings, if your PC can't handle it there's nothing you can do. As for the third person I would guess you'd have to rebind the key if you don't have a numpad.
  23. XzB3A57zX

    Food/hunger issues

    IIRC this was fixed in the latest hotfix (