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About XzB3A57zX

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. XzB3A57zX

    Apache spawn

    Only helicopter on the wiki is a Huey, so I would say it's not legit. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles
  2. XzB3A57zX

    Contacting another player outside DayZ

    There's this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4171&highlight=Looking+for+Someone
  3. XzB3A57zX

    Please add a defib!

    Search button. http://dayzmod.com/forum/search.php?action=results&sid=1855b6f9697bbe8ef7df15b8788204b1&sortby=lastpost&order=desc
  4. You shouldn't be able to turn M9 mags into M9SD, the SD mags have subsonic ammunition, so unlike the DMR and FAL which both use 7.62x51mm, they aren't the same.
  5. XzB3A57zX

    Fixing Off-map

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm just saying that you're not helping with threads getting pushed back into pages 10+ by posting a duplicate. Sorry if I came across as being a douche but "please use the search button" is in the post entitled "Please Read BEFORE Posting" that's in the important threads section.
  6. XzB3A57zX

    Fixing Off-map

    It doesn't matter that it's "lost". Use the search button, post and it will be on the 1st page.
  7. XzB3A57zX

    Fixing Off-map

    Borders for the map have already been suggested.
  8. XzB3A57zX

    bandits and killing

    Depends on how you define excessive.
  9. XzB3A57zX


    Search button, people. It's there for a reason.
  10. XzB3A57zX


    Do you mean like a trunk in a vehicle where you could store stuff? Because you can already do that...
  11. Use the search button also. The splint idea is in about 6 different threads, if not more.
  12. XzB3A57zX

    Guns come with clips, we find boxes of rounds

    I'm pretty sure there's already a thread about this.