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Everything posted by evoxtom

  1. evoxtom

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Probably going to have to jump ship to your servers. I liked the implementation of the items. They really had a positive impact for me. Our reddit brothers seen to be the only who are unappreciative about this. Razor, please keep the cans in game. Just remove the names from the description as well. I think this is a fair compromise other than giving into the utter "my way or the highway" part of the community. Our reddit comrades have me a little discusted in how they're behaving and reacting to such work of one of our community members. Yet they want "beans beans." Hypocrits.
  2. evoxtom

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Honestly dude, your work is great and people are being petty on this issue. Been trying to defend ya but the reddit users seem to be down vote happy. If its not zombie aggro, people will find something to be pissed about.
  3. I vote alcohol (vodka) being useful in game to prevent small sicknesses from food or to suppress small amounts of pain from zombie scratches... Would set it apart from sodas and water. But it makes you go all red dead redemption (blurry vision, character miss stepping)
  4. Really good idea to show condition on the food as you do. Really hoping Rocket has a look at this. The models are superb. Since the rust is technically unrealistic (even though it really does portray the idea you're going for,) maybe the food can have a description when you examine it in your inventory. Could have different descriptions (smell, taste, appearance, randomly generated expiration date) written up when examining in accordance to condition.
  5. Most of the newer members of the DayZ community are being geared to like DMing a lot. I blame private hives. It took forever to find a proper game. Most private hives that spawn a huge amount if cars or make weapons more plentiful dont get my "business" anymore. Most new players have no idea the rush a lot of us got when a "rare" car engine was heard humming to your area... Or when we got excited over finding an AK74. Who else remembers when the food and drinks stopped spawning for a week or so on all public servers? Servers are grooming players for death matching and easy survival experiences. Not a good combo, especially since SA should turn that idea upside down... It should be the complete opposite.
  6. I'm definitely interested. I already have rmod downloaded from previous server needs. I'm a long time player looking for a home again. I've contributed a lot of ideas and such to the forums if you look up my history... And I always play clean. I've been dyin for a good first person only server. My ingame name: -rgs- Odin
  7. My two cents on blood: 1. Characters can give themselves a blood bag but they will be rendered unconscious for a very long time. They cannot do it again for hours. This should be a very last resort to live, with infection chance very high. Blood is restored gradually while you're unconscious, and you awake with full to maybe 5k Hp- randomized. Pain killers are needed when you awake. 2. When a friend gives you blood, you go unconscious for less time with less chance of infection. Health is restored gradually while unconscious, and climbs faster than solo. Pain killers may or may not be needed after- random chance to simulate the posibilty of inexperience. 3. Food does not restore Health immediately. Health should regenerate over time and maybe food effects should not be allowed to stack. I do like the current food system in the test build though. 4. Can we get pain killers that temporarily give the screen full color for a short time..? It makes it seem like you have full health instead of a blurry screen and an annoying pulse sound when low on blood. Used until you get full blood. My opinion on matches: 1.Matches can only fail in the rain. Do not let then fail when it's sunny out, until they can be limited to use number use. Even when the build introduces a limit if 10 or so uses, the pack should be able to get wet.
  8. And you're 100% positive you're not joining private hives thinking they are public ones? That could explain why your gear is not carrying. In that case, your gear isn't reset- its locked to that one private server. I never really had this problem happen before, where your gear vanishes... Unless the gotcha anti-hack isn't set correctly.
  9. I drive a Evolution X and my name is Tom. Go me.
  10. I also can't wait to purchase PZ when it hits steam, along with DayZ. You are awesome for cheering on someone who could be seen as competition in a way.
  11. On AS50 piles and Ghillie packages. What if you can't diliberately take shits at your leisure? A way to control how many of you sickos dump in a server so its not a giant kiddie pool of turds. In that case, how much would it suck if your character just started taking a dump in the middle of a sniper battle?
  12. I don't think jumping around naked to avoid bullets really works...besides, you should be running behind cover, not river dancing to avoid getting shot in the legs.
  13. Bear traps will just enrage me... And I will make sure to eat a few more beans to obliterate your camp.
  14. In regards to SA, when I find camps I won't loot them anymore. I'm going to use mo-capped shitting animations, and take a massive one all over the camp sites in every server I visit... And maybe target one at their water supply before leaving.
  15. Just pretend a pen pal left it in a bush then. :)
  16. Tents and stashes do need some work. I find the most motivation to play is that sense of "home." I hide tents and have motivation to go out and fill them with great gear. It'll be amazing to run into someone's entry way to an underground base and have to hack the code to get in. That will be more worth it than running into a tent randomly. So I agree, things needs to change and storage needs to be more challenging to find.
  17. Instead of saying its a bad idea, come up with a solution. Have an option to kick down the damn door. Three boots and its splintering open. Yes, it could take a few extra moments, but is expect a lot of struggle getting to and into places in such a situation. It would add to the overall survival feeling. Zombies should be able to smash doors, just a different animation with the same results. Locked doors and door noises are absolutely needed. The hostage thing is iffy. If you have a knife, you should be able to free yourself. But at the same time, to avoid griefing, a player should have to be knocked out or something to make it difficult. And if its done, it should not be only to bandits.
  18. Amazing idea and great for hiding special items. Much harder to find a backpack in some trees. This HAS to be implemented. Maybe it can be limited to 2 or 3 bags per person to keep clutter down.
  19. evoxtom

    The M24, Gentleman's Rifle

    The M24 is my long rifle of choice. I would keep this over the M107 or AS50. I like the SPR over the DMR, but that's just personal choice.
  20. In my opinion, you shouldn't need to be apologizing for this choice. Steam has actually been significantly improved over the years, and some people just don't want to accept something they hated so much years ago. It is very true that people really had a hard time, myself included, with the program long ago... but since then, you can really tell it's come a long way. As you stated before, this will really help DayZ and I think you'll find a home for DayZ with Valve. They should be a good backbone to really launch your game, and make sure you can just remain focused on making customers happy with content and routine patches, which no one has to complain about not being able to install properly. After the fact that many of these gamers figure out it's not so bad after all, I believe people will grow to accept the fact that DayZ is pretty exclusive to Steam. At this moment, others are just groaning at the fact that they figure they'll run into all these issues with Valve's program or way of distribution... but I find Steam is way more convenient, and will prove to really help you reach out to those whom have not even heard of your game yet (oddly enough.) I am sure many were put off by the fact that it had been a mod, and didn't want to go through the hassle of installing it on their computer after buying ARMA. So this will really set your game off- I believe sales will blow those of the mod (or ARMA2) away in the long run for obvious reasons. By the way, buy me a Ferrari F40 when you strike it big, will you?
  21. My advice for new spawns to get good loot when spawning in. Have the DayZ db map open at all times in the background. Remember to hit the military tents and supermarket in cherno, followed by fire station. This route normally gets you everything you need, which you then head straight north for better things. Electro is a bit the same- supermarket, church, fire station, and school. Then go north. And don't leave the towns without at least one morphine. When you're doing all this, if an axe wielding player runs right for you- shoot him without question. Happy huntin'.
  22. All this Steam hate makes me remember how unforgiving people are. Steam is great now and I haven't had a problem. I use to be a hater but its vastly improved. It will help streamline this whole process. Whoever denies that huge advantage for the development of this game is just in denial or possibly ignorant, especially something that will be updated so regularly. I'm done dealing with SIX or Commander. Steam is a much better solution. Get off your high horses.
  23. evoxtom

    Realism Mechanics

    I am not so sure how some of these suggestions are realistic. Especially earthquake mines and silencers being interchanged between two barrels of way different proportions.
  24. evoxtom

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Remove, along with AS50. Replace with the G36 or Mk12 SPR.
  25. Wondering why the mod went out so abruptly? Is the mod still alive? Maybe things are under construction\ renovation?